Ramerizi Red's


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
For Some Reason Both My Rams Kicked it yesterday. No Idea Why. Was At Grans, so never Noticed they were Gone. Everything in the Tank is AOK. My Bumbles would be the first indication that anything is wrong.

So went to Get Some more Carbon and could not resist the Last 2 Rams LFS had.

Never Seen this color before but have seen Yellow 1's.


Do Snails ever stop Humping??

thats cool


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dwarfs said:
I have never seen that color before. Kind of pink right?
Yes they are more Pinky/Peach than Red.

They still have the Blue speckles like Euro Rams.

It Looks like I Got a Male and Female.

LFS said that the males were very active and the Females stayed at gravel level and moved around the bottom, In and around Plants.
His Supplier told him that.
psgill00 said:
For Some Reason Both My Rams Kicked it yesterday. No Idea Why. Was At Grans, so never Noticed they were Gone. Everything in the Tank is AOK. My Bumbles would be the first indication that anything is wrong.

So went to Get Some more Carbon and could not resist the Last 2 Rams LFS had.

Never Seen this color before but have seen Yellow 1's.


Do Snails ever stop Humping??

your the one watching :X and taking pics :S
dwarfs said:
I think they are just a color morph. There are bolivians and a bunch of color morphs of the ramirizi species
That's is exactly what i Was thinking they were.

Because they still have the speckling of the Bolivian Rams, and the Spike like Dorsal Fin.

Sadly the Male has died this morning, Truned the Lights on and he has been eaten by the Farrowella. Only his head left.

your the one watching and taking pics
I Know, But they always catch your eye. Anywho, They have not exploded in the tank yet as the fish love the egg sacs so far, and devour them once laid.
another pic

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