little guy


Fish Crazy
Mar 29, 2004
Reaction score
Wash. d.c.
i named this one after lance armstrong because of his yellow complection.


  • lance.JPG
    39.7 KB · Views: 36
yeah, when i think of lance armstrong i think of strength, courage, determination, etc...exactly the kind of things that make you hate someone :blink:
I guess it's just because where I live, everyone says he uses products to improve his skills (don't know the name in english, is it dope?)
He's not very popular in Europe I think.
Also I find him not to be friendly to other cyclists, he thinks he's the best and everyone should respect him, but he only races one important race a year...

anyhow, this is just my opinion, I don't hate him, as I don't know him personnaly...

but this is a fish forum, sorry I caused trouble... :*)
thanks everyone for enjoying my fish. i didn't know naming him lance would be such a conversation piece. good thing i didn't go with my second choice"mike jackson"lol. my background was very hard to find, in my area 75gal backgrounds are hard to come by so i had to go with the one i guess nobody wanted. glad i did though.

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