Bog/aquatic Plants?


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
I know some of you have found plants and used them in the home aquarium. I'd like to hear your experiences, good and bad.

Yesterday I found some awesome,awesome plants growing by the lake. Most were submerged in the water and others were growing along the shoreline. I can't identify them though :/ The submerged plants may have been along the shoreline but due to the rainy weekend..that could be why they were completely under water.

I'd like to set up a small nano tank for breeding my bettas in, just to try it out. It would be a 5 gallon equipped with an 18 watt bulb for sufficient lighting. From what I saw at the lake...this plant was growing in full sun AND shadey areas. It began to wilt as soon as I pulled it from the ground but instantly perked up when I put them in a cup of water. Any ideas what it is?


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Wuv, I don't know what they are but they are wonderful. I really can see them growing in betta tanks. I think they would be lovely. Are you worried that they may bring in unwanted disease or paracites. Perhaps you could give them salt bath or put them in a treated tank for various med use. Please let us know hoe you get on with them they really are stunning.

Hiya Alaska :)

I took your tip and added some salt to the water they've been soaking in, I'm excited to try them out...whatever they are :hyper: .We went back out there today to get some more ,what is shown in the tupperware container. It's all over the place out there and I paid closer attention this time, it is fully submerged in some places and it looks like it intended to be, I pulled up stuff that was exposed from the water, just growing in mud. My only concern is the fact that they're unidentifiable, I'd just like to know wat they are. My searches have come up with zippola,nothing.

With the betta tank plan, I'm undecided whether to use a sand bed or put them in tiny clay pots :unsure: ,I'm thinking pots so that I can keep the tank as clean as I usually do. I would really like to see it in just a sand bed though...maybe I'll set up a 10 with some, I'd like it to be so lush that you can barely see in :hey:
Wuv, there has to be some way to find out what it is. Perhaps start with a local park service or nature group and pick their brains as to who to ask locally. Some times local conservation groups are in touch with those in the know - just don't start off by telling them that you pulled a bunch out :lol:

jams.alaskan said:
just don't start off by telling them that you pulled a bunch out :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: No kidding

As long as it's not poisonous I guess I don't care too much what it is, I was just hoping it was easy to identify so that I could read more about it...I know very little when it comes to aquatic plants,I've killed every one that I've ever kept :*) ;)
I've read your post as saying you've added salt to your soaking plants?

I've not done a salt bath for plants before, but as I recall I think your only meant to rinse them in salty water, not leave them in salty water? I'm not sure so check with someone as it would be a shame if they died off.
They only had a salt soak, I rinsed them out last night after about 20 minutes ;)

I'm going to pot them up and set up the tank today, I ripped my little baby bettas out last night and put them in individual tanks, my wee ones have left the nest so it's time to redecorate for the next batch :hyper:

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