got this pic of my larger clown....poor wee man got tired of waiting for me to feed him so had a nap. Was up and pushing everyone out of the way when I fed them 5 mins later
That's a great picture of your sleeping clown. I have two in my tank and they both sleep in a crack in a large piece of driftwood.......all you can see is two tails sticking out.
.....first time I saw it, even though I'd been pre-warned, I got into a panic wondering if he was sick then he woke up, and was out swimming round the tank asking for food, just his normal playful self
That sleeping Loach butt is TOOOOOOOOOOO cute......I absolutley love it. Your fish must keep you smiling all day long!!!
I will now be referring to you as the Loach Queen!!!!!!
PS, did you get a chance to go into the Non Fish Photographs and look at the banners for the new banner contest yet? If should......and tell me what you think of the one I did with "the dude" as Freshmike says...... I need to know if it's okay that I use your photo.....!!!!