Ill Clown Loach(rip Casper) Another Is Ill Now


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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quick over view my tank is 55 gallon 128x45x45cm
water readings
amonnia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
ph 7.0
lights 2x48" 40w lights
2 filters one built in and the other is a fluval 305
20 zebra danios
14 green tiger barbs
8 black widow tetras
8 red eye tetras
1 bristlenose catfish
3 clown loaches (going in my mates tank when they get bigger)

now the problem one of my clowns was swimming on its side and lying on its side which i know they do i went out for a bit come back and it was lying on its side and not moving i caught it and had a look cant find anything on it out of order no red gills or white spots its colour is still bright has anyone got any ideas thanks i dont wont to lose him or any more if he goes help please
They do lay on there sides.

Just ask you some questions.
Does he look pale or darker in colour.
Does he act listless and lethagic.
Does he look bloated or thin.
What does it look like when he goes to the toilet.
Is his anus enlarged or red and inflamed.
Hows the fish breathing.
What do you feed the fish.
Can he maintain balance in the water.
thanks for the fast responce

Does he look pale or darker in colour. no

Does he act listless and lethagic. he was just lying on his side not moving

Does he look bloated or thin. hes not to thin but thinner than the others

What does it look like when he goes to the toilet. havnt seen while i have been watching him

Is his anus enlarged or red and inflamed. no

Hows the fish breathing. same

What do you feed the fish. aquarian flakes,hikari algae wafers,tetra variety wafers complete sinking food,tetra fresh delica whole bloodworms,frozen bloodworms,frozen daphnia,frozen artemia brine shrimpand cucumber

Can he maintain balance in the water. no
Can you load a pic up so we can see his body weight.
Clown loaches can suffer skinny desease which is an internal parasite.

is he still eating.
hes dead :-( can the others catch it if they can how can i treat it i dont wont to lose more thanks for your help i am gutted i love my loaches
one of my other loaches is lying on its side now same as the other one only his breathing is really fast please thing i forgot to say i gave them lettuce on sunday my tiger barbs eat it could this effect the loaches
Sorry to hear you lost one, I hope the other guy has not got it as Wilder said a decent picture may help diagnose and or suggest help.

Good luck.

The attachments are not working.

For now I would add a bacterial med.

Bless Him. R.I.P.
just got home and the clown is dead only one left he is swimming ok. no odd signs but hes hes not eating. doeas this help to find out whats wrong.this is the most recent one to die please help

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Body weight looks fine.

Are the eyes cloudy.

I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
the eyes were cloudy the only med i have is interpet anti internal bacteria no.9 is that ok
Yes that interpet med is fine.

Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in its own right.
Bad water quality.
Old age.
Poor diet.
going to add meds now thanks for all your help
Let me know how you get on.
Good Luck.

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