This is my new jewel rio 240. The internal filter was taken out and replaced with a 1000l/h external filter.Have moved so finally got to set it up
It is cycling with a few zebra dianos and some gravel and media filter from one of my other tanks i have ages that has been cycled already
Give me some comments on what ya think of has sustrate rich clay for plants of about an inch and 2 inches of sand and live plants and bog wood with caves made from lava rocks for fish to hide .
I will be stiring up the sand every few days to make sure it is all good
It is cycling with a few zebra dianos and some gravel and media filter from one of my other tanks i have ages that has been cycled already
Give me some comments on what ya think of has sustrate rich clay for plants of about an inch and 2 inches of sand and live plants and bog wood with caves made from lava rocks for fish to hide .
I will be stiring up the sand every few days to make sure it is all good