Angel With A White Mark On Fin, Not White Spot.


Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2009
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia

I have an Angel with a single white mark on its fin. It appears roundish and raised.
It popped up out the blue a couple of weeks ago, it hasn't gotten any worse nor any better.

I've attached the best picture I could.

Water stats are:
Ph 6.8 Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0 Nitrates 5

Stocking (240ltrs)
2 Angels
12 Serpae Tetras
10 Harlequin Rasboras
2 yoyo loaches
1 Bristlenose

Any ideas?



  • angel.jpg
    37.7 KB · Views: 63
Hard to tell in the pic.
Does it look like a cauliflower?
Any redness to the white mark?
Best pic I could get, i'll try another later.

Would not say it looks like cauliflower, more like a littlwe white ball.
Definitely no redness.
I would issolate and try a bacterial med.
My Angel started with a little white patch on his fin too, and I thought nothing of it, as I tend to over react sometimes and medicate for nothing. It looked as if it was part of the fin. Two weeks later my beautiful babies were rotten with cotton mouth and full blown body fungus. So I would keep an eye on that if I was you. If you look under Fish Emergencies, look for my topic "Use of Penbritin capsules". There I received some great advice on how to treat them for cotton mouth and fungus. You really must act quickly if it is cotton mouth as it can eradicate an entire tank within days if it is left unchecked. But they are recovering well now, although now they are fighting big time and I have wounds to worry about!! Will it ever end!! I hope it's not fungus but at least everyone here gives great advice so you are in good hands.

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