Severum Butthole


Jul 18, 2007
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Hi, so I have had a gold/yellow severum for a few years now and recently his butthole has become weird looking. I have a picture here.

He has also been swimming off (going kind of to one side or the other, or facing his nose straight up, only ever momentarily tho) but he has always been weird like that, I just noticed it a bit more it seems lately (could be paranoia).

Any help is appreciated,

also, it appears almost that the hole its blocked, but when i first noticed the oddness of it he was crapping so maybe not, although i havent personally witnessed a crap since. also, he had a little freak out earlier jerking around side to side really fast and weird like, first time ive seen that.
What do you feed the fish.

Is the fish showing any of these signs.
Long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.
Enlarged anus or red inflamed anus.
Does the fish look skinny or bloated.
Is the spine bending.
Is the belly sunken in.
Any fungus growing on the bum area.
Or is the bum sealed with like a slimey substance.

Tilting to onside can be swim bladder to internal parasites.

It could be internal parasites, constipation, blockage, bacterial.

I would also try some peas.
good ol wilder:) aha k so it appears bloated on sides of the fish, hole appears enlarged and brown colored, no idea of poo as i havent witnessed any since the first day, which then looked long and stringy normal dark poo, no spine issues or sinking in of the belly, hole appears blocked by white substance (which also looks "ripped up", weird sounding i know im trying to describe this, it kind of looks like when you go into a fish store and see a dead fish being eaten, the pieces of it hanging off everywheres all ripped up, well the blockage looks slightly similar at the very bottom (but not from another fish or aggression/being eaten). i appologize for that horrible description, its late). also, the anus appears very enlarged tonight, to the point there is definitely an issue.
it also appears like the bloated side area is darkening a brown/greyish color on the fish, not sure if thats a build up inside the fish or what. currently being fed Nutrafin MAX sinking pellets with krill and shrimp meal. I will also mention the problem happened around the same time as starting the new version of the nutrafin max as they re-did all of their products and these pellets look different. Im not sure if it happened around the same time as the first feeding or before or after, cant completely remember. It seems in my head to be a bit sudden for it to be the food (pretty sure it was either the day of that first feeding with the new food, or within the next day but i may be wrong). The new food is also consisting of a different set of ingredients, but is the closest thing i could find to the old nutrafin max pellets i used.
Have you fed peas.
If you do this precedure you can't feed for two days.
Wrap the fish in a cloth and add a drop of cod liver oil to the mouth.

Epson salt baths to help draw the fluids out.
I would also try a bacterial med. Internal bacteria med not melafix.

Sunken in head can be hole in the head, to internal parasites.

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