One of my tanks and an Unknown Gouramis

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Hi all im new to the board ....

I just started keeping fish and got 1 of those gouramis from the LFS it was sold to me as a red dwarf gourami not sure if that is correct ???
Looks like a Red Flame Dwarf Gourami to me:

nope scott1000, that's not correct. I have two of those and they look like this~(he he he, showing off my gouramis)
That's what I've been using, Sky042!!! It's literally essential for a great pic.


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They look like honey gouramis to me. Exept that blue part. It looks dyed.
Nice pics. B)

Would look great with some driftwood and some small plant. :)
i used to have a few of them before, my lfs sold them as sunset gouramies they had blue on them as well.
bubbles12003 said:
i used to have a few of them before, my lfs sold them as sunset gouramies they had blue on them as well.
There are plants in there :/
Ok this is really starting to annoy me because I've posted this on 6 different posts. 6!!!!

There is no such thing as a red flame honey dwarf thing....

There is a red honey gourami
A flame dwarf gourami
and a honey gourami

He has a red honey gourami.
Regular honey gourami are more yellow and male's stomachs turn black.
Flame dwarf gourami have blue dorcal fins and are much bigger and their face is also grey, I used to have one.
He has a red honey gourami. There is no such thing as a flame honey gourami, look it up under google pictures, nothing comes up because that's not the proper name.... AHHHHHHHHH!
well now that we know what they are. Here are some pictures of the now labeled red honey gouramis.



zshopa said:
they are gorgeous definately has my nomination for FOTM!
How does the FOTM thin work?
Do I have to submit?
I ask because some of the other pics in this thread got nominated and I'm not sure who keeps track of that.

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