Got Another One!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2009
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meet Sake!
i decided to poke around at petco..and low and behold!
i HAD to get him...soooooo pretty
he is in a 3 gallon tank, that was not bein used since i got the 10 gallon tanks
he is SO shy. havin trouble takin pics of him, i put him in a jar to get a couple pics
my digi cam is out of battery and i cant find the charger-
buttt i did take a pic with my cellphone :)
not a very good pic but u can tell hes pretty!
his body is white, with black spots (probably marble?) and his fins are clear white/irridescent :drool:
aaaaaaand hes double tail!

hubba hubba!!
View attachment 57859
charged my camera, heres a better pic,
he looks like hes missin some of his fins but i can already tell its growin back :wub:
Oooh, would love some clearer pics when you get a chance, he sounds totally gorgeous! Can't really see what tail type he is?

well done hun, good find

Im just getting into bettas, and love to see what everyone else has got.
he looks very similar to my mouse apart from mouse a delta not a DT

yep! looks just like your mouse! cept DT and has some black on him
hes real pretty just wish i could find my digi cam charger LOL
he's a pretty double tailed (looks like double delta tail might even grow into doubel veil tail) celephane boy you have there - he could have some marble gene in him or could just be colouring
he's a pretty double tailed (looks like double delta tail might even grow into doubel veil tail) celephane boy you have there - he could have some marble gene in him or could just be colouring

hes gorgeous though huh! i love him! :wub:
i KNEW i shouldnt have gone into that petco LOL
get him some more plants when you can hun and ,aybe an indian almond leaf - the tannins will help keep the betta healthy :)
i havent had good experience with plants,
ive got a bunch of bamboo which is great cus it doesnt die LOL.
and i have some frogbit,
i tried some other plants but they were dead in a matter of days totally ruined the water
try some silk ones hun - silk are perfect for bettas :) avoid plastic though as can cut their fins
Do you have the tops of the bamboo above the water? Can the entire plant be submersed?

FWIW, I just started my fish hobby and have silk plants with my Betta. He'd probably be happier with real plants, however, about a month back in my guppy tank I put real plants and now the tank is just gross. I'm cleaning it daily, but it lacks that prestine environment that it had before. Plus, now I've found three little mini snails in the tank. Blech.

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