Lellowfish's First Tank


Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
This is my first ever tank I've had on my own. It's a second hand 66L Light-Glo? I've never heard of this company, but hey, first time for everything! When I first got it, it was overstocked...With large tetras such as Bleeding Hearts. There were also Clown Loaches (eek!), Scissortail Rasboras (I think?) and the unidentified Plec. Needless to say the tank was the dirtiest I have ever seen a tank, ever! I don't think it had seen a gravel vac or even a water change. The filter media were washed under tap water and put back into the filter etc...I won't bore/annoy you with what it was like. Instead, enjoy how clean it is now!

Could do with some suggestions regarding plants. I use silk/plastic plants as I'm not brave enough to venture into live plants. To me, it looks kinda empty on the plant side of things...

So I've attached a photo of the tank as a whole and I'll get the Plec id'd in the Plec forum.


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it looks nice but you cant beat live plants they look great saying that silk look really good nowadays you want tall plants at the rear of the tank graduating to smaller plants at the front right down to a moss carpwt at the front have the plants in a sort of c shape from the back going around the sides to the front

hope that makes sense lol

something a bit like this http://z.about.com/d/freshaquarium/1/0/i/1/plantedtank05.jpg

have a look here for inspiration http://images.google.co.uk/images?sourceid...l=en&tab=wi

hope this helps you :good:
I think (and I could be wrong) that light glo is a Hagen make.
Thanks everyone! Glad you all like it!

I'll take more pics as time goes on and when I finally get it all ready for my Dwarf Puffers, yay!

After having soaked my new pieces of bogwood for a couple of weeks, all the tannins have been leached out! So when I did my last water change I re-arranged the tank a bit. Eventually I will get rid of the ornaments I think? I'll need to buy some more plants and get a new filter as the current one is making a funny noise which I think is the impeller, and the suckers have died so I have to sit it on top of the croc skull. The heaters suckers have died as well so I might get a new one and change the temp as it's sitting at 28C right now...


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