Like the 10g, this tank lay fallow for about a year. Only sporatic water changes and no plant maintenance. I just let things be. other than replacing the aponogeton with Vallis nana early this year or late last. Probably when I was on Winter break from the university. Though they were doing well, the boraras and ember tetras kept getting stuck in the filter, so I had to rehome them with friends who kept smaller systems. Just too much stress to keep having to fish them out. I was adding sponges to the filter intake, but then the filter wasn't at capacity, which wasn't good. I kept the larger mystery rasbora that came in with an order, and the tank had been understocked for a long while. It had become infested with duckweed and it took me a long time before I had that under control when I got the urge to start cleaning up the tank. The crypts are a surprise and look lovely, really very dense, and the V. nana has filled out very nicely.
At the end of the semester. I started cleaning things up, and there was quite a bit of hair algae, but it has been steadily decreasing since I started waterchanges, so I'm on the right track with that, and it is mostly gone now. There is some algae in the back glass, but I always grow some for otos. I removed some of the front substrate and added some sand. I think it looks better.
Tank: 20g, up and running for 3 years now.
Lighting: 28W T5 Fixture, giving me about 1.4WPG.
Substrate: Laterite with small-grain gravel. Have only sand in some places, done by scooping out the gravel and adding sand.
Filtration: 2 HOB filters
Fertilisation: Rootabs when I remember
CO2: None
Hardscape: Mopani wood, which gives the tank a slightly tannic quality, though it isn't as dark as it used to be.
Plants: Vallisneria nana, anubias (guessing nana), various cryptocorynes (thinking mostly wendtii red and bronze). The anubias have been in the tank for about 2 years and the crypts since December of 2007, I think. The Vallis has been in there since January of 2009, I think.
Livestock: As of now, 10 Trigonostigma heteromorpha, 2 Rasbora pauciperforata (will hopefull be getting more on Tuesday), 10 C. aeneus, 1 oto (will be adding more, but they are not in stock very often).
Like the 10g, this is much easier to maintain and I like the reduced number of plant species, and the more subtle fish species. I will not object if the crypts send daughter plants throughout the tank, it has spread significantly and is quite dense. It is what it is, I can't spend the time anymore to have a really flashy planted tank and I don't think you need to.
Thanks for looking!
At the end of the semester. I started cleaning things up, and there was quite a bit of hair algae, but it has been steadily decreasing since I started waterchanges, so I'm on the right track with that, and it is mostly gone now. There is some algae in the back glass, but I always grow some for otos. I removed some of the front substrate and added some sand. I think it looks better.
Tank: 20g, up and running for 3 years now.
Lighting: 28W T5 Fixture, giving me about 1.4WPG.
Substrate: Laterite with small-grain gravel. Have only sand in some places, done by scooping out the gravel and adding sand.
Filtration: 2 HOB filters
Fertilisation: Rootabs when I remember
CO2: None
Hardscape: Mopani wood, which gives the tank a slightly tannic quality, though it isn't as dark as it used to be.
Plants: Vallisneria nana, anubias (guessing nana), various cryptocorynes (thinking mostly wendtii red and bronze). The anubias have been in the tank for about 2 years and the crypts since December of 2007, I think. The Vallis has been in there since January of 2009, I think.
Livestock: As of now, 10 Trigonostigma heteromorpha, 2 Rasbora pauciperforata (will hopefull be getting more on Tuesday), 10 C. aeneus, 1 oto (will be adding more, but they are not in stock very often).
Like the 10g, this is much easier to maintain and I like the reduced number of plant species, and the more subtle fish species. I will not object if the crypts send daughter plants throughout the tank, it has spread significantly and is quite dense. It is what it is, I can't spend the time anymore to have a really flashy planted tank and I don't think you need to.
Thanks for looking!