Can You Identify This Catfish?


New Member
May 27, 2009
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I bought 2 of these catfish a few years ago but cannot remember what they are called. Also if anyone can tell me how to sex them it would be helpfull to, Thanks.
How big is it?
My guess would be a Leiocassius siamensis aka bumblebee catfish but it looks too big and much paler (which may just be the picture)
How big is it?
My guess would be a Leiocassius siamensis aka bumblebee catfish but it looks too big and much paler (which may just be the picture)

Ahh Bumblebee does ring a bell actually, thanks. This one is about 4.5inches but the other one I have is about an inch smaller and gets chased about quite a bit.
yep asian bumble bee catfish Pseudomystus siamensis of the bagridae family.
i have one, very nice fish, yours is a bit lighter in colour than mine but i've seen a lot and they vary a lot in colour and even patterning. can get to around 15 cm / 6 inch so yours wont be fully grown, mine is just short of 6 inch now so probably fully grown fully grown and slim so its a male, i'd say yours is a male as is slim the females get really fat, like a ball! they are said to be very territorial to others of the same species and fin nippers but mine seems ok and i keep 7 large(ish) catfish in the same tank.
very nice fish!
I'd have said Bumblebee, been years since I kept one of those, lovely looking fish
someone took mine into my lfs because it was popping off their neons in the night! Hehe he eats full lance fish so a neon would just be a snack. He just said he wanted a fiver so a got him! Dnt no how much they are worth but it took my fancy so a took it home. I think i push my luck with my collection of cats in my tank but they get by fine with just minor squabbles from time to time. Good looking fish though and reasonably lively!
someone took mine into my lfs because it was popping off their neons in the night! Hehe he eats full lance fish so a neon would just be a snack. He just said he wanted a fiver so a got him! Dnt no how much they are worth but it took my fancy so a took it home. I think i push my luck with my collection of cats in my tank but they get by fine with just minor squabbles from time to time. Good looking fish though and reasonably lively!

thats just reminded me of when I had mine it was one of the most predatory fish I have ever had and I remember waking up in nioght popping light on and seeing it with a fish stuck in its mouth lol

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