Is My Guppy Pregnant?


New Member
May 6, 2009
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Im sooo confused. I just bought my guppies on saturday and im not sure if my fish is pregnant. The fish with the red spotted tail looked a lot fater before but she looks skinnier... I didnt see her drop any fry but her gravid spot is still very dark. The yellow fish doesn't have a gravid spot but her belly is quite big. Does anyone know if she will drop fry soon? :blink:


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This is my yellow one... any thoughts???


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this is my 25 gal tank with a large plant in the middle...


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and this is the whole AQUARIUM


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front view..

siide view


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The fish in the first post is probably carrying fry but is not close to dropping them. The one in the second post looks well fed but not like she is carrying fry. I see you have been moving the decorations around in the tank. Those angels will likely keep you from ever seeing fry unless you have another place for the guppies to give birth.
Are your angels looking fat by any chance.

If they have lost weight then may of just given birth as neither look very pregnant.
angels dont carry fry... only the guppies do.


I know, i meant that they have probably eaten all the guppy fry as they are notorious for this.

Either i have to explain everything or your American?
angels dont carry fry... only the guppies do.


I know, i meant that they have probably eaten all the guppy fry as they are notorious for this.

Either i have to explain everything or your American?
Im Canadian but Im new to the guppy stuff.
They look normal... I dont think they look any fatter...

The fish in the first post is probably carrying fry but is not close to dropping them. The one in the second post looks well fed but not like she is carrying fry. I see you have been moving the decorations around in the tank. Those angels will likely keep you from ever seeing fry unless you have another place for the guppies to give birth.
Yes, I do have a separate 5 gal tank to move the females to. I had to move the decorations around since my angels were fighting.
What I'm saying is if you guppies have given birth then the angel's would of eaten the babies before you would of noticed.

Moving the females when their very close to giving birth is the only chance your have of saving any fry, currently the angels will get 90% with in 30 mins of being born, the odd one may survive though.

I would wait till the females was looking very fat, and then move them to the 5gal tank.
The closer to giving birth the better, as to early can cause them to produce them prematurely.
Clasic signs are.
Becoming antisocial
Hiding among plants or rocks
Squaring off of the belly
Birthing channel showing.
What I'm saying is if you guppies have given birth then the angel's would of eaten the babies before you would of noticed.

Moving the females when their very close to giving birth is the only chance your have of saving any fry, currently the angels will get 90% with in 30 mins of being born, the odd one may survive though.

I would wait till the females was looking very fat, and then move them to the 5gal tank.
The closer to giving birth the better, as to early can cause them to produce them prematurely.
Clasic signs are.
Becoming antisocial
Hiding among plants or rocks
Squaring off of the belly
Birthing channel showing.
Thank you,
I will keep my eye out of those signs. :good:
she should give birth after 24-48 hours or so ideally any longer can be very stress full on her
Yes, you can tell by the gravid spot, she also has a very silver belly, she is definately pregnant.
By the way, this is my 20 gallon tank.


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angels dont carry fry... only the guppies do.


I know, i meant that they have probably eaten all the guppy fry as they are notorious for this.

Either i have to explain everything or your American?

Excuse me, but I feel I must interject here.
First of all, I think that your first post may have been a little hard to understand, but I do believe it is probable that the angels ate any guppy fry.
(And, just to be clear, you were not making any derogatory statements against Americans, were you?)

The first guppy looked very thin to me. I don't believe it was pregnant, but I could not tell if the fish in the second picture was. Perhaps you could post another?
You may be able to tell by now, as it has been over a week.

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