Fish Fanatic
well since i missed my swords birthing and didn't really notice it until i saw babies in the tank(tank is 2 weeks old and my first out side of oscars) i have this molly, and she appears ready to go... shes squared off, i see a little white dot on her anus... but i had her in the trap since i purchased her fri night. i purchased her because she was so pregnant and the lfs owner really trusts me, and he wanted me to have her because he knows i would take care of the fry. he said unfortunately he just let's the live bearers give birth in the tanks and lets the survival of the fittest take in or he'd have a million and one live bearer's and no one to sell them to at that rate. so he offered her to me and i obliged. any who, here's a pic of her. i think shes a golden, i didn't even bother to ask because i was to caught up in the honor of his trust. any rate here's her picture, i took her out of the trap for the day but i got nervous and put her back in for lights out just now and took this picture. should she stay there? i can see eyes of babies in side her. please make me feel not guilty about having her in there. i feel really bad. i dont want to leave her in the tank only to have the babies and lose them to being eaten.