WOW!!! Great tank! Can you share some details? Lights? Substrate? etc? I've got a 55 gal with artificial plants and I'm really interested in switching to real. However, I'm pretty new to aquariums (since last Nov) and know almost nothing about having a planted tank.
Lighting is 2 -double shop light strips with philips bulbs from home depot (6500K, 5000K) which makes for 2.1 wpg
substrate is ~40# play sand (from home depot) under about 40# plain black gravel
No co2
I add liquid flourish whenever i remember (directions say weekly)
and i have flourish root tabs (which are supposed to last 3-4 months) by the sword, and here and there along the back where the anacharis and cabomba are.
Other plants are crypt wendtii, java moss, java ferns, and jungle val.
Thanks for the compliment