

Fish Fanatic
Oct 15, 2008
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hi everyone i have been given a tropical fish tank from a family member they are ill and no longer can look after fish, thing is when keeping out the tank we found some red Eel like fish, 4 of them , they burrow in gravel. looked everywhere cant find what they are. also in the tank is a

clown loach.... huge thing.. orange and black with long nose...

possible common pleco..... long barbs and looks like brostlenose maybe a upside down catfish he is 15 cm and hides alot

a long thin fish with spikes possible ghost fish..

sorry for sounding thick but i really want to learn and look after these fish, i have a decent size tank for them its 120l tank and loads special water treatment stuff, my aunty had the pleco for years..

i have also got a 50l tank with various fish ive had for months without death so i know alittle about fish thank you
The eel like fish sound like Kuhli Loaches and will be fine in your tank.
The Clown loach can reach 12" and needs to be kept in a group so you would be best rehoming him.
If the catfish has a lot of bristles around his mouth, then it sounds like a Bristlenose Catfish. At 15cm, it is possibly fully grown and should also be fine in your tank.
I'm not sure about the long thin fish with spikes but it won't be a Ghost knife fiss. It sounds as though it could be some sort of Bichir and without knowing which one, it's difficult to recommend what you should do with it.
Is there any way you could post pics so that we can give you a definite ID?
because of the transport today im not putting light on and letting them de stress, will try get pics tomorrow
here is the one i think is a clown loach???


  • fishhhhh.bmp
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this is the one im not sure about... pleco... or catfish

this is the one with clear ribs type fins


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It's definitely a catfish but can't quite tell what type from that photo. It looks like some type of mystus species. Can you get a bigger pic?
here is another view of it

another pic of the big catfish


  • dont_know2.JPG
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  • jaws2.JPG
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Sorry moomin, really not sure on wht type of catfish it is. It does look like mystus but not 100% sure.
It might be worth posting this pic on the Catfish forum to see if anyone can ID it there for you.

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