Strange (yet Surprisingly Well Edited) Videos Of My Fish


New Member
Oct 26, 2008
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I've decided to combine all my fish video threads into this one so I'm not creating so many threads. I enjoy making these videos probably a little too much, but hopefully they provide some entertainment for you as well.


For my latest video, I've decided to try to make a video featuring two of my most difficult subjects: the Blue Ram (very shy), and Twig Catfish (never moves). I hope you enjoy!

Watch video of my GERMAN BLUE RAM and TWIG CATFISH

I've included this screenshot from the video to try to get more people to watch this time!

Hope you enjoy!
Thanks, Paul! I've become quite fond of my gouramis.
Thanks for the comments, kind fishaholics!

This tank is 48 gallons. It has about all the fish I want in it, but I'm hoping to get a just a few more neon tetras, hatchet fish, and coreys to increase their group sizes. Also, I'd like to get my Ram a mate. I'm actually out of town for a few days, and on my way home tomorrow I pass a really good fish shop which has Rams. Which leads me to a question:

I think my ram is a male, but I'm really not sure. If there are any experts who could look at the first video in this thread and confirm this for me, I would really appreciate it.
it mite be abit late but i think( not 100% sure ) that you ram is a male. even if it is a male( im 75% sure its a male ) butt if itis a female another female would be fine and then you could add a male after. :good: tank looks great by the way :good:

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