Hi Guys

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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It's been a while since I posted. Maybe a year or so until I got the betta-bug back. I went to Win Aquariums in Chinatown and was looking for a red HM. Man, did they have them! So I was deciding between 3 of them. However, I noticed a "shimmer" out of the corner of my eye. It was a copper double-tail with some color on the fins depending on the angle. What a dilemma... I finally found a red I was looking for and come across a rare copper (at least rare whenever i check around) and double-tail to boot.

So I went with the double-tail. His tank is sorta plain - just sand and a piece of driftwood. But I don't want to risk anything that might rip his finnage.

It's day 2 in his tank and he mostly spends it floating in the corner opposite that of the filter with some "sprints" to the other side of the tank and back.

I hope to have some pictures up by the weekend.

BTW: Petco now knows the 'difference' between tail types and has jacked the price up accordingly. Also, they FINALLY differentiated between females and short-tailed males. And in order to make the short-finned male attractive, they've dubbed it the 'King Betta'.
If it was me i proberbly would have bought both :blush:
He sounds lovely! Hopefully you can get some pics up soon.
If it was me i proberbly would have bought both :blush:
He sounds lovely! Hopefully you can get some pics up soon.
I was DYING right on the spot....
Still unnamed.....


I forgot how hard it was to take a picture of fish! This is the best one out of 63 shots taken.
Thanx! I'm thinking of getting him a ghost shrimp or two as a buddy and hopefully not a fresh snack.
his face is so grumpy!!! very cute boy...and beautiful colors too!
the "king" betta at petcos around me are actualy giants or half giants. still dont sell female hm but egh.
He's actually camera-shy. When I took more pics, he did this:

He hate me or sumpfin????


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i would call him SHIMMER he looks like the shimmering dusk just before sunset in a pink sky.

i have a betta who HATES the camera too. he hides when he sees it. i have to sneek up on him to take pics. LOL!
:hyper: he is darnt cute! I have a newby but leaving him a few days as he is a scaredy fish!
His top fin looks like that of a Sailfish, i've never seen one like yours before, excellent catch! ;)

The one I miss the most is Googie(R.I.P.) - a pink butterfly. He came up to anyone coming to the tank. He'd play around my fingers like a cat rubbing against your leg. He had no fear, but he wasn't mean, either.
He, too had a 'sailfin'....






It took me over a year to forgive myself for my stupidity.... (note the nozzle on the filter intake)
Your new fish is absolutely stunning, his colour is gorgeous and I dont normally like DT's but he is lovely!!
Your new fish is absolutely stunning, his colour is gorgeous and I dont normally like DT's but he is lovely!!
Thanx. I didn't like doubles, either, but their dorsal makes them look like they have a fuller "plummage" while not flaring.

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