Plec With Lumps!


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Mar 2, 2009
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Tank size: 68litres
pH: 6.8
ammonia: not sure? Damn and blast just realised the 6in1 test kit I have does not mention ammonia - could this be the problem??
kH: 6d
tank temp: 80f woops put 80c before!

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): dwarf plec has two small growths, one at the base of his tail and one near his eye. His behaviour is quite normal, he's eating ok and swimming as normal but obviously something is wrong!

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 68litre tank which I change approx 30% water every week.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: not sure what this means?

Tank inhabitants: 2 dwarf plecs, 4 cory catfish (2 albino) 1 blue siamese fighter, 4 neon tetras and 3 male guppys.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): none

Exposure to chemicals: meth blue 10 days ago to clear up white spot on other fish - all ok now.

Digital photo (include if possible):
The lumps are they soft like filled with fluid or hard looking.,
What colour are the lumps.
Do the lumps resemble a cluster of eggs or cauliflower.
The lumps are they soft like filled with fluid or hard looking.,
What colour are the lumps.
Do the lumps resemble a cluster of eggs or cauliflower.

They are whiteish and I would say they are hard looking, they look more crusty than anything else?
Is it possible to load a pic up of the lumps on the fish onto the site.
sorry i've not got a good enough picture, i will keep trying though and see if I can get one. Do you have any ideas or is it too generic a description to really say?

If I was explaining it to someone the only way I can describe them is there are two discoloured areas on the fish, one beside an eye and one at the base of his tail. They are not pure white but more of an off-white colour and they look kinda crusty rather than fluffy! They are definately raised off the skin (looked through a magnifying glass!) but the fish seems to be ok in his behaviour and eating - and he's definately pooing normally!

Obviously there is something wrong but I don't want to start sticking loads of chemicals in the tank if I can avoid it.

Do plecs tolerate salt baths? Would this be a benefical option do you think?

Any help or advice much appreciated.


Marion x
Ok so managed to get an ok pic - please forgive as its not great - does it help at all??


  • plec.JPG
    16.5 KB · Views: 34
Lymthocystis usually affects the fins. They can be smooth lumps, or look like a cauliflower.
Scroll down to the desease on this site as it sound like what your plec has.

Taken from the link.
Caused by an iridovirus
The virus causes crusty grey-white lumps to develop on the skin and fins. These may affect freshwater or marine fishes, and sometimes take on the colour of the underlying skin. These lumps are clusters of enlarged cells. The disease is viral, but may be triggered by stress, poor handling or poor water. Some fish may carry the virus without showing symptoms. The disease rarely kills, although lesions may become secondarily infected. Ideally, infected fish should be isolated. There is no known treatment. Some vets recommend the surgical removal of the lesions

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