I have a problem with my cold water fish

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
He looks as if he has air bubbles lined up on his fins down under his gills. He doesnt seem to be ill and all the water readings are at 0 even the nitrates the ph is at 7.6. I cant keep him still enough to take a photo of them. But they are in a single line on both of his fins and they sorta look a little white looking. My question is should I be worried and could anyone please tell me if they have ever seen something like this before. Also while I have a thread going I need some help on one of my angels it lips like hair growing out of his mouth and it is white could this be fungus or mouth rot????????
Hello friend,
are they truly bubles or more like grains of salt. It could be ick. I'm also woried about the angel - sounds like a fungus, If you are able I'd look through some of the disease descriptions (there may be one here in a pinned topic) other wise search the web in some wonderful sites on fish and you should find something. There have been some great threads about fungus and treatment on here so I'd try here as well.
Best of luck and let us know what you find out about your fish.

I wish it was like grains of salt then I wouldnt be so worried. I am going to put some melafix in with the angel. But I dont know what to do about the moor. I sure wish someone knew what I am looking at with that poor fish it has been threw so much.
Way back in my memory ---- long trip ----------- I remember that goldfish and carp often get "pimples" when they are mature and ready to breed. Could this be what you are seeing? I'm shooting in the dark but hey - who knows.

Do you remember where they get them at it could very well be what they are if I could get him still I could take a picture of them and let you look at them. It could be that where they just come up and it isnt sick I was just worried and I still am but that eases my mind some.
OK friend - I went on the web and used search "breeding goldfish" here's just a little to help you out. "Goldfish mature at about 1 yr; however, they are in their prime about their 3rd year. A male that is ready to spawn will usually have tubercles about pin size that appear on the pectoral fins and gill covers. However, this does not always occur and has been seen in some females. (see photo of tubercles on male fish)

Temperatures should be about 700F. during the day and 500F. at night. You will notice the spawning chase occur. The male will begin chasing the female for two to three hours, bumping into her abdomen. If she is ready eggs will spurt out and stick to the first thing they come in contact with. They are usually released in batches with the first batch being the best. The male fertilizes the eggs immediately by spraying milt over them. Good sized females can lay anywhere from 500-1000 eggs a spawn. " They even have a picture but I've no idea how to get it on here. Let me know if you find out what this site is.



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Oh My Gosh! I did it. Hope this helps. That would be great if that is what it is. You may be able to get some sleep even!
:D I'm so hapy :D

they are on his pectoral fins right at the main end I sure do think mabey that might be what it is he is chasing the female around the tank all the time now. I sure hope this is what is the matter. Thank you so much for easing my mind some. I know it isnt nothing for sure yet but it sure does help knowing it could be something besides being sick.
OMG my moor has the exact same thing . I have been treating it for ICK for over a week. The bumps got a little better but never really went away. I brought a picture of him to the LFS and they said it was ICK too. I like the explination here better. I really don't want to lose my moor :byebye: :hyper:
I wouldnt never yreat my moors with ich medicine. I dont think that they take to well on none of the ich medicines with moors I use salt and increase in tempature. That usually does the trick. They are a hardy fish if the water conditions are kept up. But they are real easy to stress out and I have learned this on my own. I done some more research on this problem and I have come closer to ruling out being anything wrong with him. Thanks for you help ALASKA It was a big relief to me, YOU JUST DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH> THANK YOU THANK YOU

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