Oh wow! Thanks SOO much! Seriously, that was a huge help! If ya want I can keep you posted K, so far she's still swimming a bit, so I would say she's not ready, the tube in black inside, so probably within a couple hours she should start having them, maybe when I notice she's basically still or hiding a lot more, I can put her in the breeding trap, (she's not that long, so she has room in it)
Ok! I just did and I gave her some food too, she seems pretty still but then she gets kinda restless, and all the fish (males especially) are trying to get at her, but she's safe in the trap now so she should be fine
and again, thank you very much for helping me out with this
Yuppers! I've been checking on her for about the last 5-10 minutes, she's getting quite still now, so hopefully soon! *crosses fingers* She's really squared off too now,
In 5teady, he said it could be up to a week when they get the white tube before giving birth, she's had it since about saturday, sunday.. so she's getting closer!!
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