Is My Guppy Pregnant


Fish Crazy
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Albany, NY
i have a guppy that i think is pregnant and has been for like 6 weeks i was wonder how i can induce her to lay the babies she has a hard time swimming and wont eat
plz help me :unsure:
Are you sure your fish is just no bloated due to overfeeding?

It will more than likely be pregnant anyway has they can hold sperm packets for up to 6-8 months and drop fry every 4-6 weeks (more at the 4 week mark)

A picture would be great so we can tell you further....
here i got them on finally
the fish moved around too so they are kinda blurry i hope these helped


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She definitely looks pregnant but she also looks like she doesn't miss too many meals. Are you sure that you haven't missed previous drops and the fry have been eaten? She looks like she still has a week or more to go.
looks pregnant. When her belly starts to go into a rectangular shape she is due to give birth soon. I would say 7-12 days time she will give birth.
thanks for the info
now i know how many days to wait before she gives birth
should i stop feeding her the amount i feed her now or is it okay??
i feed her twice a day i dont know the exact measurement but it is only a pinch of different food every day. also she has 3 other fish to share it with and she barely ever eats she just hides in the plants when it is feeding time
the weird thing about her is that 2 weeks ago she dropped 14 fry all healthy. but i noticed she was still fat and round, so i let her swimm freely, but it has been like this for like 6 weeks altogether that she has been gravid, including the time she had the 14 fry. i think this is weird but maybe you can explain it to me. it was like some type of midway drop for her :unsure: :unsure:
If she dropped 2 weeks ago then I'll bet she has another 2 weeks to go...I'd cut back feeding to once a day and see if she doesn't slim down a bit.
Ignore the "gravid spot" Hotdogoramer. It will just mislead you on light colored fish and will be hard to find on darker fish. I always judge mine by their shape. The squared off look is almost unmistakable and is not disguised by a dark body color. Once you know the delivery date on a particular female, the next delivery becomes even easier to predict. You just count the time from the last drop and will be within a day or two. Different livebearers have different times but once you know it for your fish, it will be like clockwork.
so i know mine is gravid according to what you say, but i m still unsure as to when she will be ready to drop so i can put her in the trap without stressing her too early.

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