Platy Won't Frop Fry


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Hi, I have been through a few batches of fry with my swords but I am still very new at this. I bought a blue hifin platy about 2 or 3 months ago. The lfs said she was pregnant. She had a large gravid spot (I know, not the best indicator) and was slightly thick in the middle. OK months later... ???? no fry. Belly is bigger, gravid spot still there, nothing. 2 weeks ago I put her (and my preg swordtail) in the fry tank with a sperator from the fry and lots of plants. Still, nothing. Is it POSSIBLE that it is just her coloring im seeing and NOT a gravid spot? She was previously housed with 2 male platies so I don't see how she could NOT be pregnant? I added a few pics of her, can't see her gravid too well in the pics...


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She looks quite plump but she's not squared off. I'm having the same experience with my platys at the moment so I'm afraid I can't help you.

She is a truly beautiful fish though.
Well i guess it in the beginning of its pregnancy needs like 2 more weeks.
She doesn't really look very pregnant to me. There is a link in my signature area called ready to pop that does give some pictures of fish nearing the end of pregnancy and what they look like. 5teady has gone to great lengths in the thread to put up pictures that will help you understand where you are. It may help you figure out for yourself where you stand.
Yes, I have read it a few times and it is excellent! I used it as a resource so I can tell with my swords and mollies but for some reason this girl has stumped me... I think Im just going to keep her in her own tank for a few more weeks and just wait. I just don't see how living with 2 males how she could have not gotten pregnant, and I know I didn't miss a birth. The waiting game....
OK its been a few days and the preg sword the platy was in with dropped her fry and I placed her back in the main tank. Its just my platy left in the tank with sword fry. Today I noticed that she was hiding my the filte and heater and also hiding at the bottom. Seems like signs that shes ready (even though theres mixed opinions on when (or if) shes even close to ready... But her fins are clamped. First time I noticed it... She seemed fine just this morning. Could it be stress?

Sorry for the really BAD pic...


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By the looks of her she is still a week or so away from giving birth. For a young female it can be hard to tell because they won't square off as much as a mature female will. I have some young swordtails that were virgins a month ago. I am having a hard time deciding if they are getting close for that very reason. I will know more about mine after their first birth but for now they are slimmer than I would expect for a ready to drop female.

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