Sorry I clarify >< top pic wondering on the plant to the lefttop pic, plant on left looks like water sprite (Ceratopteris thalitroides). It can be grown on the surface or planted in the substrate.
top pic on right looks like a swordplant (Echinodorus sp).
bottom pic plant on right looks a bit like a thin leaf Bolbitis but not 100% on that.
ya i have drift wood in the tank and I relized after I got the wrong light bulbs for my tank >< so i had to put the old ones in for now thats why the yellow tinge, 3k kelvin was the rating my old ones where 6.5k kelvin thats why the yellow tinge to the water also my camera pics it up as yellow for some reasonok the bottom pic in the first post is not a sword but appears to be a type of cryptocoryne. I originally just looked at the leaves and it looked like a tatty old swordplant that wasn't doing well. However, the base looks more like a crypt.
The pic in the 4th post has a couple of small crypts in the midle and a swordplant on the right. There doesn't appear to be any Java Fern in that pic.
Not sure what or where the banana plant is?
Your water looks yellow too. Have you got drift wood in the tank?