Better, Now Even Worse


Fish Crazy
Jul 15, 2008
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You may remember indy. he got os much better. he began eating, swimming, and looking so happy. his fins were growing back too. now, his fins are scraggly at the ends, worse than before, he has this whitish black stripe on his side and to top it off, has this lump on the topside of his gill. it is sorta whitish. it will break my heart to eunthanize :-( . if theres any way i can avoid that i will gretaly appreciate it.
here he is:

ever since i added the live plant hes gotten worse. for about 6 day safter i got the plant he was fine, now hes worse. also his gilld arent close all the way.
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
im using melafix right now. worked for a week (when he improved) now it seems to not do anything.
change 30% once a week small amount every day. im going to go change water now.

>>>>>>Walks away and reaches for a cup
Never mind. i walked over to go change water and i saw him by the plant( he hated that plant and wouldnt touch it with a tem foot pole). i shook the bowl and he flopped to the side, and exact replay of the betta i used to have that i could never forget, :wub: Fraggle :wub: . i shok it and shook it but he didnt budge. his gills werent moving and i could tell by his eyes he was gone.
This is it. Im quitting bettas. i tried again with Indy because i needed something in that bowl to help me take my mind off of Fraggle, but no. Im going to find some other fish that will be easy to care for. I want to thank you Syphoneira, Tibby, and all who helped me before.
It was an exact replay EXACT
fraggle died in that corner. indy died in that corner. they both went from doing amazing then suddenly sick and dead.

:-( :-( RSCN2423.JPG :-( :-(

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
Oh you poor thing :( I am so sorry to hear that he didn't make it. When you are feeling a little stronger, why not talk us through your set up, maybe we can identify what is maybe going wrong? Bettas are so wonderful, i hope you feel differently in a few weels.
Its ok :good: . i already got the run down from Syphoneira about my tank in the "sick betta Emergency" thread. she told me one it was too small. second i wasnt changing the water enough. third i needed a live plant. maybe ill try again but fro now no. i cant bear to lose a fish that you can get so atachted to again. thank you anyway.

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