One of my Goofy Sugar Gliders


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Mar 28, 2004
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Houston, Tx


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I don't know whether that's cute or disturbing, I'll leave it at "interesting".
LMAO That's funny.

I always wanted a sugar glider,but my friend had one and it was meaner than a rattlesnake. -_-

I changed my mind. :lol:
What a face, great little thing. He is even waving at the camera :thumbs:
They are very cute for the most part. If you don't take proper care of them, they get pissy. If you treat them well, and give them a lot of attention, they are very loyal and sweet. I take in rescues so I only have like 3 nice ones...The others are dang near impossible to tame.


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I think they are great. I looked into getting 2 of them a few years back, but at $175.00 each.....Plus with 4 cats I did not think I would be able to get them out and let them run around the house.
Well we sell our joeys for $125 obo. They are marsupials from New zealand. They have pouches and a membrane so they can glide. Kind of like flying squerriels. They have a lot of personality. Their diet is just fruit and veggies and chicken and what not. In texas you can get good deals on joeys. I know a store over here that sells young ones for $75 dollars. They arn't hand tammed, which is not a big deal. You can do it yourself. The ones we sale are very sweet and tame. We get them use to being pet,so they don't jump off and scatter about. Anyway, they are a blast to have.


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OMG, he's so cute.....I've wanted one ever since I saw them on the Discovery channel, but they are illegal in CA. I've been toying with the idea of smuggling one in from NV, but I probably won't. An aquaintance of mine has one, she carries it around in a little sack under her shirt between her.....ummmmm........errrrrrr.......ahem....well, let's just say beautifulgoodbye has shown us an excellent diagram. :p
Hi UncleFahaka :)

What an adorable little creature. :wub:

I've never heard of them before, but they sure are cute. I hope you post more pictures of them from time to time. :nod:
Wow, they are the cutest thing I have seen... but, their nic-name is not Gizmo is it by any chance?
nope, not gizmo. That last picture is the glider I am having to wake up and feed every two hours. Its mother has rejected it. She's starting to eat whole food. So hopefuly soon I can be the mother no more:). Anyway,her name is hope. She's a color mutation(butter-cream)

Noise wise. Not really. They run pretty agressively in their wheels...For the most part thats it. They hiss sometimes. When i bought my first joey, he barked and kept me up one whole night. After that though I have not had a problem with noise. The males can stink. Just have to keep them clean.

I had a friend in California that had a Sugar Glider. I know they are illegal. No one knew or cared if they did know. I wouldn't recommend it. If you get caught one time, its a fine. If you get caught two times, they'll kill the glider. Too much on the line for a cute animal. heh


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