Intrusting Semi Reef Set Up From Some One Who Knows Bugger All About T

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 3, 2005
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Ok,a few weeks ago ihad to do some first aid thing, and in the introduse yourself chat at the beginning of the first day, found out there were a few of us into fishtanks, two tropical, one marine,
Come lunch time, bunch of strangers nothing in common apart from the fish, get chatting, and what the marine bloke told me about his, along with a few photos the next day(i asked him to email them to me but still not arived)i found very intrusting from the point of view of somone who knows bugger all of that side of the street apart from the usual curiosaty stuff having a look threw the marine sections and dont recal comming across anything like his set up,
what i did was do a quick drawing(i can even do stick figgers so do excuse the lack of quality of the drawing,and i have my right hand in plaster,so it is even worse than normal)
with a few details that i can remember of the tank and his discription, i dont recal at all what skimmer he used, what type/power the power heads or the pumps were. But i do remember the sizes of the tank and sump! just wish i had the photos to show, it was a bloody good loooking tank!

tank was a custom made
L-30 inch
D-30 but from base to the water level was only 26
He said it was about 100 US G

the tank was drilled in 3 places at the rear(hope you can make them out in the drawing) 2 for outlets with a internal overflow box running pretty much the full lenth of the rear of the tank, and a inlet on the vertical center line about 4 inches or so below the over flow box.

4 internal power heads, 2 top rear of the tank and 2 middle of the side walls.
The inlet from the sump continued down the rear of the tank and was aimed into the center mass of the live rock display,this display was inverted cone shaped for want of a better discription, and was about 3/4 of the hight of the tank,and the foot print of this"cone" was at most 1/3 of the total area of the base of the tank.
Substrait was a mix of broken hard coral, crushed coral sand,and fine "sand"

Both side walls and rear, were coverd in a "backing" made from small bits of rock and coral stuck to egg crate.
atached to the side and rear backing in random spots were larger "plates" that had soft corals and the such like.
The power heads also had covers that made them look like lumps of rock,will holes for the inlet/outlets.

The hood of the tank had 4x55w T5 lights and 6 cooling fans,3 on each side,one side sucking air into the hood,the other expelling.and stock wise, was a few gobys,a couple of nemo things and somthing else, but a hell of a lot on assorted shrimp/crabs and snails.

The cabenet the tank was on housed a skimmer and a FBS filter,and assorted wiring.

Now the sump,
yup all in inchs
it runs from the top of the tank almost flush against the wall all the way to the floor,and is devided into 3 compartments verticly,the right and left hand side compartments are full top to bottom with small chunks of Live rock rubble, and the middle one houses the pump ("cyclo" a weed or algea) the heaters and some sort of waterprofe strip light.the sump is made from sheets of acrilic,that he glued together himself.

From what i can gather from what he was saying is,
the tank is connected to the sump in three places, the 2 outlet holes and the one inlet.
water flows from the tank into the sump, down the 2 out side chambers with the life rock, and back up the middle chamber housing the weed/heaters/light and back into the tank via the pump.(afriad he did not have photos of the sump)
the left hand chamber of the sump has a outlet atachment near the bottom for were the skimmer and FBS are and then is put back into the sump in the middle chamber, while the right hand chamber has a airstone running and air bubbles up threw the rubble on that side.

now oplogies if this is old hat to any of you on here, but as a freshy, this type of set up is def nothing i have come across befor.

hopfully it will be of intrust to somone.


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Sorry, not asking anything,

just did the post as someone who knows bugger all about it,, on the off chance somone might have found the way this tank was done intrusting,
maybe not!
I like the idea of rock walls, but i think rather than having 4 powerheads he should have gone for a closed loop system. Especialy if the tank was a custom build
I like the idea of rock walls, but i think rather than having 4 powerheads he should have gone for a closed loop system. Especialy if the tank was a custom build
i know very very little about the salty side, what i found fasinatin was the external "sump" that runs from the top of the tank down, with the 3 chambers, the air stone threw the live rock and the skimmer/FSB set up.
the majority of marine set-ups run a sump. They usually have two or three chambers that the water runs from the tank, through each chamber then back to a pump
Yup, sumps are pretty common things in the marine world. The dimensions are pretty custom, but probably makes for a neat tank. WOuld love to see some pics :)
Yup, sumps are pretty common things in the marine world. The dimensions are pretty custom, but probably makes for a neat tank. WOuld love to see some pics :)
i have been doing some reading on sumps,, and i now have a question for the experts,

on none of the sumps i have seen mentioned on here is there a air stone, in the sump it self, and nore have i seen a sump set up like the one i discribed, and with marine there is ment to be massive amounts of water flow over the life rock used, i cant see there been that much water flow threw the sump in my discription, or would the skimmer and FSB take care of most of the filtration requirments?

sorry for the probably very stupid question,
Pretty much... Airstones make LOTS of salt creep from all the bubble popping... very annoying ;)
Pretty much... Airstones make LOTS of salt creep from all the bubble popping... very annoying ;)
thanks all for the clarifications with this tank,
just a pity the bloke in question didn not send the photos, it looked great.

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