Silver Dollar


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Common name: Silver dollar

Scientific name: Metynnis argenteus


Origin: Amazon basin

Maximum size: 5"

Care: Silver dollars are a schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 5 or more, for this reason a tank of at least 55 gallons is recomended. They are herbivors that will make short work of most aquarium plants, hardy plants like Java fern and Anubias may be left alone. The fish preffers soft slightly acidic water but can be kept in water with a pH of up to 7.5 and a hardness of 20 GH without problems, the temperature should be kept between 24 and 28 celcius (75-82f). The fish can be extremely shy and nervous if placed in a tank with overly aggressive fish or the tank is placed in a high traffic area.

Feeding The fish should be fed mainly vegetable foods such as lettuce, spinach, courgette (zuchini) and watercress though small live and frozen foods such as bloodworms and daphnia will also be taken.

Sexing: The male has a longer anal fin with a reddish tinge to the front.

Breeding: Breeding is rare but possible, the key is very soft acidic water (pH 6, GH 10, KH -4). The fish are egg scatterers.


  • Lettuce_frenzy_1.jpg
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Another key to sexing the fish: The males anal fin is bowed out. The females is straight. It is pretty easy to tell between the two.

I'll post mine one of these days. :p
hi all these are my silver dollars,i have 4 but one of thems spotted,why is this i thought it was a mail, i see now its not,could anyone tell me how many variations,there are in these fish please,,thanks ken,,
Maximum size is 6, maybe even 7" I have 5 which are all around 6"
Natural sunlight is important for spawning. First rays in the morning, no overhead light. Feed on Indian fern or other floating plants. They don't like bright light and feel secure and floating plant. They are not interested in eating their fry.

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