Co2 Tip For Improved Plant Growth ..


New Member
Jul 19, 2008
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I am using a glass diffuser and got reasonable plant growth with the diffuser just stuck to the glass underneath
the external filter return pipe.
Well i had an idea.
I put the glass diffuser underneath the pick up on my powerhead and place the powerhead towards the back of the tank.
The Co2 now gets picked up by the powerhead inlet pipe and the Co2 is now at lot better at getting dispersed into the water.
The Co2 bubbles come out of the powerhead outlet pipe in very small bubbles.
The end result is that my plants are now growing much better.
I am going to introduce many more plants soon.
Just thought i would share that with you :D .
Here is a pic of the tank,


  • tanksmall.jpg
    53.8 KB · Views: 47
well they should be florshing with that amount of light. do you dose any ferts? maybe EI?
The lighting is 3 x 54w T5's.
I use flora boost.
Can you recommend a better fert ?
My co2 is sorted now.
Plants have been in about a month now.
That’s how I disperse the c02 too is seams to work
Only problem is that my powerhead stopped working at the weekend
This is an old one but always good for people to be reminded as the old posts do get hidden away

This is mine:

And from a distance:

Better fert is to move onto dry powders using the Flora Boost as trace until it finishes at which point you can use powdered trace too. Either dose as dry salts or make solutions out of them. There are many recipes. this is the one I use:

(The PO4 modified PMDD Formula)

Tropica plant ntrition + will be one of the best liquid ferts. i have a fluval internal in my tank, i think i can put the airline from the co2 into the bit in the top of the outlet? will that work? saves me having a diffuser.
No that will just push a huge bubble across the tank. You need to try and squeeze the hose into the side somewhere so it goes through the media and then the impellor which in turn chops the bubbles up a little.


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