Breeding Robin


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2008
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I thought I'd get this thread started and update as I go. Here's Robin and Belle...the future Dad and Mom...with any luck!!!


I've got the breeding bin ready, except for water. I've added plants for hiding, and will be using heater and a small filter. When I finish helping my daughter move at the end of the month, I add the water. Am I forgetting anything?


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gorgeous boy!! whats the girl? looks like a combtail to me. I bet you'll get some pretty fry from this crossing! Good Luck



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How big is the tub? I believe it needs to be about 10g to give the couple proper room to move around
It's 55l...I'm hoping to grow the fry in this, until they have to be seperated.
Looks fine but do you have a growout tank as that wouldn't be big enough to house growing babies. Also what is the clear plastic thing you have in there? Looks like an upturned beaker with a stick in it!!!!!
Yeah, you'll need to add a jar (1/2 gallon is big enough) for the female to go in. Fill the tank and the jar to the same level. Put the female in the jar. This will excite the male enough to induce him to build a nest. Once he's built the nest you let her out, but sometimes he attacks her anyway... so you put her back. Also, it's a good way of working out whether she's interested when she's in the jar.
Good luck with your Betta breeding!

On a side note... Robin looks like my Ares when he grows up!
Looks fine but do you have a growout tank as that wouldn't be big enough to house growing babies. Also what is the clear plastic thing you have in there? Looks like an upturned beaker with a stick in it!!!!!

It's a plastic cup...I planned to put "bubble wrap" in it for the bubble nest. The stick is to keep it stable...I don't have a larger tank...I planned to grow the fry in this.(55l...58qt...approx 14gal)...I think.
i dont know about betta spawning but that boy you got robyn is a stunner and i mean a stunner :)
kind regards scot :)
Sharon, Belle is a lovely colour, and just glows!
Although it looks in that photo as though Robin's carrying the eggs, lol.
Boy, this is exciting even at second-hand!

Are the houseplants safe for a fry bin, is one thing I'd be wondering, if I were you - and I wish I were, how exciting!
(Not that I'd trade my bettas for even Robin, but as I believe he's a Canadian citizen, I do entertain some faint hope of one of his offspring down the road without having to pray for a largish lottery win and a reliable importer.)
The potting soil may contain chemical fertilizers, though, if they are regular houseplants, and peat moss used in these often contains wetting agents, things that could harm your fish.
Now, of course, you'll tell me they're plastic, lol.

Netty, would several of those bins do for grow-out, if she split up the fry?
I know it's hard to tell, as a spawn may produce anywhere from no to hundreds of fry...
But if those are like the similar-looking storage containers I have, they're actually pretty good for emergency fish-keeping.
Don't many people make do with a 30 or 40 gallon grow-out?
Although one would need additional sponge filters, heaters and things for multiple smaller containers.
The advantage being of course that these containers can be placed on different, smaller surfaces, rather than having to worry about space, floorboards, a stand and whatnot.
Pretty scary, going into one's first spawn, and I think if it was I, I'd need physical support, never mind all else.
At least Sharon's got plenty of time, as she won't be back until early December, to start conditioning the lucky couple, and get organized.
And lord knows she has access to the best and most expert advice...
So, whatcha figger?
Plants are all silk...weighted down with rocks. Thanks for the support...I am going to need it. The whole thing makes me nervous! If I get fry Syphoniera, I'll research the cost and possibily of sending one from here, at a reasonable price... :fun:
Thanks so much!
Hopefully everything will go well for everyone, and peace and betta-addiction will reign on Earth.

I do hope Netty, LauraFrog or any of the resident Alpha betta geniuses are going to advise further on this, because it's often the detail so well-known as to be considered unnotable by the experienced which gains their success.

Even for fry food, which cultures are best at which point, as they have to be ready in advance...
I spawn and grow out in a 20 long. so far my spawns havent been big enough to warrent using the 4 big plastic tubs I keep on hand. you could use that, but then if you get a ton of fry just buy some more cheap plastic tubs from walmart.
Well, I'm back...and it looks like spawning may be delayed again. My daughter wants to do Christmas in her new house, so I'll be away for about three to four days around the 25th. I assume I can't leave babies without food for a three day period...

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