New 48 Gallon Bow

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Oct 26, 2008
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Hi everyone,

I had the chance to get a used 48 gallon bow front tank with stand for a really great price right before this weekend, and I'm really excited about it.

The water's a bit murky as I'm cycling right now, but here's what it looks like:


I was hoping for some input on stocking ideas. I've got a few too many fish in my ten gallon right now, and a good number of those will be moving over.

Some fish I'd definitely want (all species from my small tank):

10+ Neon Tetras
6+ Marbled Hatchet Fish
3-6 Bosemani Rainbows

A large Blue Gourami that I'm pretty sure I'll move over to the new tank.

Then I was wondering if you had any ideas for bottom dwellers and algae eaters.

Also, would I be able to put a pair of Rams in with these fish?

Thanks for any input everyone, I'll post updates when cycling is done.
Thats a lovely tank. Its looking gr8.

Lovely looking tank, even with the fake stuff that im not usually a fan of. I think rams would work fine and for bottom dwellers how about a shoal of say 8 corys and a pair of bristlenose pl*cos.
Thanks for the comments everyone! I think corys would be great.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good online tropical fish seller that has some of the species I'm looking for (German Rams, hatchets, corys, bosemani rainbow). All I have nearby now is a Petco and a Petsmart which don't normally have the greatest fish selection. There was a lfs which would special order fish for me, but sadly it burned down earlier today (this is true). The best I've found so far is What are your thoughts?

Also I've just been noticing killifish -- would a pair work with these other fish? The killifish I've seen in pictures are beautiful.
So a while later and I now have fish! I finished cycling and stocked my tank a little over a week ago. Unfortunately I've already had an outbreak of white spot, and I'm on day two of treatment now. The fish were in good enough spirit today though to make this short video:

Watch the video

Currently home to:

1 Bosemani Rainbow (I'm going to get another soon but I'm waiting to get the Ick under control)
1 Blue Gourami
2 German Blue Rams
2 rubbernose plecos
5 Marble Hatchet Fish
10 neon tetras

Any recommendations for more fish?

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