10 gall nano-reef


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
Taken this morning, sorry about the reflections - for some reason my co-workers didn't want me to plunge the office into darkness :fun:

Still got a small cyano problem but it is clearing up nicely.



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Friends at work??? I have bosses, co-workers and minions. The bosses don't even notice it, my co-workers like it and the minions do as they are told :lol:

I do get a few people from other departments come and check up on the tanks (there is a FW as well) every so often and they think they are nice.

We are due to be moving offices from London Bridge area to the West End in the next few months and there is a possibility that the company might want a nice marine set up in the reception area. The money side is likely to be the only thing stopping it.....

Cheers, Eddie
Hi EddieW :)

It's very beautiful. :thumbs:

It must really be relaxing to look at when you are having a stressful work day!
That tank is sooo awsome. I keep trying to convince my mom to let me set up a little tank at her work but she wont have it.... not even a betta! Can you believe it?!?!?
Inchworm - glad to say that I have a FW tank to my left as well. Quick snap below, must get round to taking some proper photos.

Auratus - I sent something along these lines to the MD of the company I work for and that got me the go ahead for the first tank:
A bit of an odd request, but would it be OK for me to install a small  tropical fish tank in <my dept>?

I am a tropical fish keeper and I find them very calming. Research has shown that having an aquarium in your office helps to reduce blood pressure. Other studies have shown that fish at work can help to reduce stress.

I would be happy to set it up, stock it and maintain it at no cost to the company other than a small amount of electricity. I have spoken with <colleagues> and they have no objections and would be happy to feed if I was out of the office.
Perhaps you could use something along those lines to persuade your mom?

Cheers, Eddie


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:wub: :wub: :wub:

I truly don't know which I love the most.

The FW one makes a great picture!
I want the marine one!

Take a pick of TOM nominations!

Hope you get the project for the new office :D
I'll second the SW for STOTM - It's stunning. Can't believe it's only 10 gallons!
I just ordered some more "dead" live rock, It will have to cure as well though... so I am months away from livestock yet.. but tell me... in some detail about that pretty mushroom? on the lower right.
Thanks all!!!

Adrinal - the mushroom came with no definitive ID. The LFS had only just got them in and hadn't even labelled the tank up by the time I reserved it. I posted it on another (marine only) site for ID and they reckon it is probably Rhodactis but it could also be Discosoma. The closest suggestion was Rhodactis inchoata.

Here is a link to the thread in question.

Cheers, Eddie

Got a slightly better pic of the mushroom today. It has grown really fast, when I go it it was just over 2" across. Today, after two and a half weeks, it is about 3 1/2" - some of that may be due to the fact it was probably a bit closed up at first, but is still looks loads larger.

Cheers, Eddie


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