fat neon - grossly distended bellies help!


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2003
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have 2 neons who for the past 6 weeks or so have been very fat. at first thought they were going to spawn but has not happened & they are huge!!!! they eat & swim around as normal but definitely do not look normal their bellies are very distended. all tank params normal (0 ammonia 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate pH7.9 always have this ph & nitrate) no other symptoms visible.
does anyone have a clue as to whats causing this???
ive attatched one pic here & another in my 2nd post showing the neon from behind to show how big they have got.
any help most appreciated.


  • another_fat_neon.jpg
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this is the 2nd pic showing one of my podgy neons from the back!!!


  • fat_neon_again.jpg
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It could be dropsy do the scales look as if they are stickin out? failing this it may be an internal infection.
no - no scales sticking out, they just dont look like classic dropsy.what would you do for internal infection???
Have you got a hospital tank? you'll need to treat him separetly with a product made by Interpet called anti-interal bacteria hope this helps.
:S i know how u feel. i have mollies that look like this. one has scales sticking out because i think he is so distended. my fish too, i thought were overeating. i treated them for dropsy, one got better now tonight i noiticed he is very very bloated and not eating. i think he is going to die. im very upset cause i think all this business with my fish were caused by intestinal parasites.

i am treating with pepso food and tank buddies from jungle for parasites. my fish are pooping long stringy ghost white stool.

my other male fish is eating up a storm and swimming around despite being so bloated and off balance.

my readings are also within normal limits.

good luck to you. ;)

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