Is My Platty Pregnant?


New Member
Sep 19, 2008
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Hi, Please could someone tell me if my platty is pregnant?......thank you....


yes it seems so, and looks very squared off.. i'd place her in a trap HEHE.
I wouldnt say its squared off, its a little over fed, with it been a small fish at the moment, it may not get very big when pregnant, keep a eye on it (read my pinned thread in this section for how to know when they drop, signs, etc..)
Nice fish (ME WANT). I'd be inclined to trap her fairly soon and watch closely. But I'm paranoid at the moment because my ROTTEN MONGREL dropped last night, didn't square off, no obvious signs she was gonna pop. I've spent half the day trying to extract newborn platies from a well planted community with a siphon tube and a tea strainer.
Thanks for the replies....I am still not 100% sure that she is pregnant!

Here is the latest photo of her...

My little platty, has what almost looks like eggs inside her, underneath her tummy area and near her bit where she poos (looks like little bubbles). She also has a small black dot.

If you look between her anal fin and her tummy, you might be able to see the fry forming. Although have to say mine doesn't have a tummy as round as that.

Good luck and hopefully you will have loads of lovely little baby platties soon :)
So where do I go from I need to buy a breeding trap and if so when should I move her into it?
deffinately pregnant, certainly not squared off enough to rush out and get a breeding trap, what are the tank mates? I prefer not to use breeding traps, un-necessary stress in my opinion unless you can pin point the time of birth within a few hours - if you can then great but this can be difficult if you dont know what your looking for - read 5teady's info on this.

Alternatively you could go out and buy some tall bushy plants and some floating plants, buy plenty of Cabomba or Cardamine lyrata, these won't save all your fry but will povide cover for most - I'm a believer in 'survival of the fittest'. If you do this remember to provide a lush thick covering.
yes, if you want to save the fry you need to place her in a trap where the fry drop down into a seperated compartments below. get the larger traps and not the boxed net ones pls.good luck!

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