How Long Till This Guppy Drops?


New Member
Sep 16, 2008
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Hi this is my most pregnant guppy Bumblebum!

I can see she is pregnant need to know roughly how far along she is as Im still debating on whether to go with nature and darwin or a breeder box.


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I would guess, from the pictures you gave us, that she is at least a week away. With that said, a top view would help define it better or at least confirm what it looks like from the sides. Uless you can give us a way to better refine the date, I would definitely go with Darwin.
I had a read of the pregancy post and its great but i have no control group. This is my first look at a pregnant one.

Ive been reading lots of posts about tell tale signs like a single really long poo, being solitary, loss of appatite. and she shares all these.

Im going with the darwin choice.

Plus im going to be away tonight and tomorow so ill just have to wait and see.

Im hoping it is a week then i have more time.

Thanks everyone

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