Unlike mammals which use most of the food they eat to keep warm, fish take their body temperature from the surrounding water. this means any food they eat goes into building muscle tissue, and for swimming. A healthy fish should be able to go for weeks or even months without any food.
As mentioned by others, check the water quality and temperature. If there is any ammonia or nitrite do a water change. If the nitrate is above 30ppm do a water change. Get the temperature up to 28 or 30C if it isn't already there.
Try offering the fish some live food like brineshrimp, daphnia or mozzie larvae.
If there are no other fish in the tank then perhaps add some small peaceful dither fish. These can be things like neon or cardinal tetras, small species of rainbowfish, or dwarf cichlids. These smaller fish will usually eat within a few hours of being in the tank and this can encourage the discus to come out and forage.