Very Nice Rams, Wish they had them here - Not one Single Aquarium have any. Not event the W.Midlands Biggest stocks Rams.
But Discus - Six 4*4*3 ft Tanks.
You're only 40 minutes away from here (Gloucester), my LFS had a tank full of them.
He says he cant get enough of them - sell like wild fire £12.00 a pair or £6.99 each he doesn't ship fish, If you want me to help in any way lemme know. I can reserve them or something but not much help if you cant see them before i guess.
The LFS is AquaJardine, it's basically 2 minutes of J12 on the M5.
All you do is come off J12, head towards Stonehouse (Away from Gloucester) Which is left coming South, Right coming North, It's in the garden centre on the right just 200 yards from the roundabout.