hi silver - thank you for the nomination
.......got a GH test kit at the lfs and discovered that my water was very soft as am on tank supply (rain water)....but the loaches seem to be fine in most water so long as it's not extremely hard or extremely high pH.
Mine live with keyholes, an apisto, bristlenoses, guppies and even when the keyholes get stroppy during egg laying they seem to be fine.....they certainly don't seem to have a problem competing for food......
they just love their food
For treating for ich...have been very lucky so far and haven't had to do this but have read a lot on the subject.......1/2 doses of most of the meds seems to be about the max they can tolerate.......I think I would try raising the tank temp first if it was a problem
My tank is overfiltered and I do a lot of w/changes (at least 2 x weekly) as there are quite a lot of bottomfeeders in the tank who seem to appreciate the fresh water.
ps ....of course they have shoulders paradise gourami........
when they snuggle up in the loach house at night they lay their heads on each others shoulders and tell each other bedtime stories......