Fluval Fx5 Faulty Motor

Took my filter back to my LFS and they swapped it out no problems.
I forgot to mention I put my baskets, media and all in my quarantine tank so I could keep the media alive.

I was going to install it tonight, but decided to leave it until morning as it will be part of an even bigger job;
I'm installing two external heaters and a CO2 reactor on the return pipe. Should be good fun as I need to "T" off the 1" pipe down to 3 * 1/2" pipes, then back upto 1" to use the standard jets.
Bought all my pipes and 2 * OASE Multi WD adaptors a few weeks ago, just have not decided on the final pipe runs, but I'm up for it tomorrow......
ooops sorry didnt mean to say anything to touch a never it just takes the fx5 longer to mature than other filter so its not best to have to cycle it again

please leave that qoute button alone

I don't use the quote button. I have been typing the code in by hand for years and its easier for me to do so for some reason.
Got it all plumbed back in yesterday. Took longer than I thought, so still need to hook up the CO2, but the reactor is in place.

I'll take soime pictures once it's finished next week, but take a look at my profile for some pictures as the setup was 1 year ago.

My FX5 is now squirting water 8" across the surface of my tank with the nozel parallel to the surface 2" above water line.
This confirms my motor was breaking down from nearly day one, I'm thinking this could be a problem with the FX5 that most people have not noticed, as it took me 18 months before I realised.

Might be worth you guys with an FX5 seeing how far yours can squirt water using the parameters above, just to check mine was a one off, you may also have a failing motor!
If you do run a test, can you post back your results for everyone to compare?

I've noticed a big difference in the water movement and how quickly the filter clears the water after I run the hoover round.
My FX5 is now squirting water 8" across the surface of my tank with the nozel parallel to the surface 2" above water line aswell , just checked it out of curiosit b4
My FX5 is now squirting water 8" across the surface of my tank with the nozel parallel to the surface 2" above water line aswell , just checked it out of curiosit b4

Same here. I have only had mine for lil over a month now.

I have heard Fx5 owners running it for 4-5 years without issues. Every now and than there may be a bad one. I wouldn't go to say that this is "Hagens" fault as I doubt they build the motors. The probubly pickand choose the motors or have them custom made by a specific company.
Ah very true. Your quick. :)

Maybe they lost track of time hahaha
bought mine 2nd hand last july owner had had it for 3 months so i think thats 9 months
I started this thread back in January 2008 as I had noticed my filter flow rate had reduced over time. Luckily my filter was still under warrenty so I had it replaced.
Unfortunatly I seem to be back with the same problem. My filter seems to only be able to squirt water about 2" from nozzel, where as on day one I got 8"

My propeller is clean, I have standard sponges and I have 2 baskets about one third full with eheim media and the top basket one third full with hagen media.

Externally my 1" output goes into an Oase multi way adaptor (1" > 3 * 1/2") two of these go into external heaters, the third into a CO2 reactor. Then back through another Oase multi way adaptor to convert back up to 1"

I'm thinking maybe I have so much biological media in my tanks gravel bottom as my tank is mature. on that bases maybe I don't need so much biological mdia in my FX5, so maybe I can take the ehiem out and just leave one third hagen in one basket.
Also I found these on the FX5 mod thread, maybe I should ditch the second Oase and 1" pipe and use three of these?

Any idea's to increase flow rate?

Has anyone else experianced reducing flow rate?
The flow is probably reduced so uch with you sending it through so many tubes and valves. Cant you just keep it one input and one output? As the longer your output tube is, the more the motor has to pump, and this reduces the flow. Try blowing down a 1 metre peice of hose , then a 50 metre, Its much harder. Have you tried it just using the fluval 1" hosing?

Oh, and since my last post ,i have sold my FX5 and replaced it with a Eheim pro 3 2080 and pro 3e 2078 - Great filters, never looked back on my decision.

All the best, hope you get it sorted soon, Adam
The flow is probably reduced so uch with you sending it through so many tubes and valves. Cant you just keep it one input and one output? As the longer your output tube is, the more the motor has to pump, and this reduces the flow. Try blowing down a 1 metre peice of hose , then a 50 metre, Its much harder. Have you tried it just using the fluval 1" hosing?

Oh, and since my last post ,i have sold my FX5 and replaced it with a Eheim pro 3 2080 and pro 3e 2078 - Great filters, never looked back on my decision.

All the best, hope you get it sorted soon, Adam

im not saying nothing :lol:
The flow is probably reduced so uch with you sending it through so many tubes and valves. Cant you just keep it one input and one output? As the longer your output tube is, the more the motor has to pump, and this reduces the flow. Try blowing down a 1 metre peice of hose , then a 50 metre, Its much harder. Have you tried it just using the fluval 1" hosing?

Oh, and since my last post ,i have sold my FX5 and replaced it with a Eheim pro 3 2080 and pro 3e 2078 - Great filters, never looked back on my decision.

All the best, hope you get it sorted soon, Adam

im not saying nothing :lol:

haha 1 nill to you T1

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