My Fry Are Getting Eaten!


Fish Crazy
Jul 15, 2008
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:shout: HELP!!!!!!!!! one of my fish had fry while i was gone and when i came home, we saw only a couple. we saw one dart past and get eaten by the angelfish (2) :rip: . then another and another. what can i do for them to survive? i have platys and i know they breed often but how do i get the fry to survive? ???? i have a male and 2 females. i want to have more fry but how often will they have them?
Put the fry in a separate tank. The angels will eat all the fry they can catch, the adult platys will eat the fry as well.
Put the fry in a separate tank. The angels will eat all the fry they can catch, the adult platys will eat the fry as well.

i cant get a separate tank. what else can i do? would a net or something work?
:shout: HELP!!!!!!!!! one of my fish had fry while i was gone and when i came home, we saw only a couple. we saw one dart past and get eaten by the angelfish (2) :rip: . then another and another. what can i do for them to survive? i have platys and i know they breed often but how do i get the fry to survive? ???? i have a male and 2 females. i want to have more fry but how often will they have them?

put the fish in a breeding trap before it gives birth but make sure its way before its gonna give birth or the stress will stop her giving birth then killing her as a result, anyhoo when the mum gives birth the little fry will fall down into the lower half of the breeding trap and stop them from being eaten, these are only a few pounds/ dollars to buy

:shout: HELP!!!!!!!!! one of my fish had fry while i was gone and when i came home, we saw only a couple. we saw one dart past and get eaten by the angelfish (2) :rip: . then another and another. what can i do for them to survive? i have platys and i know they breed often but how do i get the fry to survive? ???? i have a male and 2 females. i want to have more fry but how often will they have them?

put the fish in a breeding trap before it gives birth but make sure its way before its gonna give birth or the stress will stop her giving birth then killing her as a result, anyhoo when the mum gives birth the little fry will fall down into the lower half of the breeding trap and stop them from being eaten, these are only a few pounds/ dollars to buy


thanks!! i have platys and i don't know what to look for when they are pregnant. can u help?
oh and after the mum has her babies keep her in there for afew days to a week so she doesnt get annoyed by the male as she will be exhausted and needs time to chilax B-)

um im not too sure bout them but, say for instance guppies will have babies every month so after i see the little fry for 1st time after she gets out the breeding trap i know i will have to put her in about 3 weeks later as they are mega horny fishes lol, so if u find out how often they get preg and how long it takes just count the weeks from when she gives birth then u cnt go wrong!!

ok i just looked it up, There gestation period is about 30-40 days. they will mate right after the female gives birth. so i would put her in 30 days after u take her out the breeding trap
The best way to go about it if you are keeping the parents in the same tank is not a breeding trap. Get a lot of floating plants, live or artificial, this gives the fry a place to hide. Transferring the female around causes stress. The more plants you can pack in the tank the better.

I have a 150 gallon tub set up for breeding platys, it's about 1/3 hornworth, easily a hundred fry, along with adults.
oh and after the mum has her babies keep her in there for afew days to a week so she doesnt get annoyed by the male as she will be exhausted and needs time to chilax B-)

um im not too sure bout them but, say for instance guppies will have babies every month so after i see the little fry for 1st time after she gets out the breeding trap i know i will have to put her in about 3 weeks later as they are mega horny fishes lol, so if u find out how often they get preg and how long it takes just count the weeks from when she gives birth then u cnt go wrong!!

ok i just looked it up, There gestation period is about 30-40 days. they will mate right after the female gives birth. so i would put her in 30 days after u take her out the breeding trap
Thanks this really helps. now one of my other females is kind of halfway underneath a little decorations. she is just sitting there. is she releasing fry or what?

The best way to go about it if you are keeping the parents in the same tank is not a breeding trap. Get a lot of floating plants, live or artificial, this gives the fry a place to hide. Transferring the female around causes stress. The more plants you can pack in the tank the better.

I have a 150 gallon tub set up for breeding platys, it's about 1/3 hornworth, easily a hundred fry, along with adults.
i don't have that many plants tho. i have one lare one that has leaves that are close together. would it help if i floated it near other plants?
With angel fish in the tank I'd get the breeding trap. It's going to be a long time until they're not considered food and the angelswill hunt them down.

Or you could just forget about the fry and let them get eaten, tasty treats :devil:
i have 4 baby platys and about 30 guppy fry.
i really dont know what to look for in the platys.
but what i notice they get BIG..
and they look like there either fat..
or pregnant.
my platty ( i was not expecting babies )
i just noticed she got bigger.. and bigger
then i bought a smaller tank for babies for my guppies
and i decided to put the platty in there.
i had her in a breeding trap for a bit..
then i took her out of there and put her in the little tank.. with a guppy which i thought was pregnant.
now.. because i didnt notice no babies. i took them both out. and left the smaller tank empty.. (with water in it ofcourse)
then like.. 2 weeks later i noticed 4 fry.
i didn't know what they were. guppies or plattys.
they were plattys
so they wnt without food for about two weeks.
i think the fish ate the others.
anyway. to this day. them 4 baby plattys are still living.
they have grown quite a bit.
i have them in the smaller tank with 2 breeding trapss. one has 30 baby guppies in it. and the other has a pregnant guppy.
for you. i would recommed a breeding trap.
i used this for my guppies and all turned out well.
you can buy one for about a couple of dollars.
and for the guppiess. everyone says dont leave them in there for over two days. but i did. nothing happened to them.
they seemed fine. and nothing happened to the babies.
so yeah.

this is what my platty looked like when she was pregnant.


  • platty.jpg
    12.3 KB · Views: 38
my platys give birth every 3 weeks without fail, one after the other! how long before they pop should i put them in the breeders net?
my platys give birth every 3 weeks without fail, one after the other! how long before they pop should i put them in the breeders net?

The day before we found the babies. my female, ruby was very fat, rubbing against stuff, hiding for hours on end with no sign of her and not eating. when i looked at her today she was nice and skinny and she finally ate :yahoo: . im pretty sure it ws her.
thank you to everyone who helped :thanks: . i am probably going 2 get a breeder trap or just leave them in there and hope some survive! i don't want the tank 2 get too full so i may just leave them. i think some may be hiding under this little boat :D im crossing my fingers!!!

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