Random Corys Together


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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as some you know from some of my other posts i have had the hardest time matching species to finish out a school of corys, i have two spotted corys which i think are c. delphax but im not sure. so i just wanted to run it by yall and see if this is a decent idea. iv been told they dont all necessarily have to be exactly the same species to get their needs met as far as schooling goes, so when i go to purchase more could i just pick and choose random ones or should i try to get certain types to round out the group? in other words, lets say i have a total of 10 corys in a 55 gallon, and they are all different species, would that be acceptable in the world of responsible fish keeping or should i go for something else? by the way, iv thought about getting mine properly ID and it occurred to me that i could find an expert that i could take them to in person at a corydora convention. idk if these exist but they have south american cichlid conventions so why not cory? anybody know of a cory association that holds these in the US and maybe yall could point me in the direction of their web page so i can try and find one near me? :nod: thanks in advance.
There are Cory associations and conventions. Some are local and some world wide. Perhaps you can post a pic of the Corys you are trying to ID. Where are you looking to find a group? Have you googled?

"The world of responsible fishkeeping," I like that!

If there is only one Cory in the shop and you want to give it a home: Go for it! If a friend wants you to take a single Cory to keep because they are getting rid of their tank: Take it and give it a good home.

If you are buying Corys and a group of 5 or more are available, be a dear and get groups of a minimum of 5 per species.
ok, i guess ill have to google that and see if i can find a local association :good: i tryd posting pictures on here and i got some great responses but im just not sure how possible it is to accurately ID a cory like this through a picture - not because of the ppl - just because the picture quality isnt like looking at it in real life, and the ones i have look similar a lot of others which i found when i tried going through planetcatfish's index. here are pictures of the 2 i have now, they look similar but i think they are still separate species altogether.


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Did you get an answer from Coryman or Coryologist before on your ID? There are few at the level of either of those men in any association or club. Each have kept most Corys in captivity at one time or other and spend all their time with Corys. Coryman literally "wrote the book" on Cory identitification. He is acknowledged by most as a if not the authority on Corydoras today. You can pm him and he will most likely take a look.

I remember we looked at your fish before. Lovely fish.
thanks Coryman! and i just took this picture of them side by side, it gives a good comparison between the two.... and its just to darn cute not to share :wub: oh, and i dont think you can tell from the picture, but they are sitting on top of my banjo catfish which is buried under the sand :lol: .


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Is that the same ID you got before here, starfishpower?

hehe For a change I surmised correctly about the leucomelas. :D I am so poor normally with ID's I seldom try.

Your delphax is quite the brute! And they are indeed a cute couple.
Is that the same ID you got before here, starfishpower?

hehe For a change I surmised correctly about the leucomelas. :D I am so poor normally with ID's I seldom try.

Your delphax is quite the brute! And they are indeed a cute couple.

ya that is the same ID. and yes, he is a brute :lol: he likes that banjo quite a bit (my avatar) he will often go find him buried under the sand and sit right no top of his friend. :p good call about the leucomelas. and thanks Coryman for your help.

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