What is the volume of your tank and how deep is it? Deeper tanks (18 inches and deeper) often do better with T5HO tubes rather than T8s, even if the wattages are similar, as T5HO lighting is more intense and so has better light penetration.
As to that tube, I would change it for a plain daylight tube, somewhere between about 6000k-7000k. The 50/50 tubes are aimed more at the marine hobby.
As to increasing your lighting, take care not to go much higher than about 2 watts per gallon, higher than this and you are going to start needing to maintain stable levels of CO2, fertiliser dosing regimes etc, with a lot more pruning. You could also do with putting a flow pump or powerhead in there. Those hang on filters don't do a lot for circulation but do do a good job of driving off the CO2 needed by your plants. You could probably get the lighting you need from a single linear T5HO 6500k lamp to be honest.
Oh and one last thing, before you increase your lighting at all, put a lot more plants in there! Up the lighting with what you have now and algae is going to thrive. Ideally you need much denser planting if you are going to increase the lighting, even if the plants you stick in aren't really to your taste some extra fast growing stems will help to fill out your tank and help reduce the risk of algae going nuts on you.