Is My Guppy Pregnant? With Pics..


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
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United Kingdom
I went to my LFS yesterday to get 2 catfish, and the guy ended up getting the guppy aswell - and offered it for free. obviously you cant turn down freebies, so we took her home and i think shes pregnant.

shes quite big, but i cant see much of a gravid spot. is the gravid spot right at the bottom or can it be higher up the belly?

heres the pics



  • guppy1.PNG
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  • guppy2.PNG
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  • guppy3.PNG
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oh yeah, also:

if she is pregnant will she be ok in a plastic tub with holes in floating at the top or will i need a proper trap


ive just ordered a heater and filter for a 15L tank off ebay. hopefully i could keep her in there if she can wait a week or so.
not 2 clear by the pics but going by the second pic she seems 2 be :) and quite far gone by that pic 2 :)
oh yeah, also:

if she is pregnant will she be ok in a plastic tub with holes in floating at the top or will i need a proper trap


ive just ordered a heater and filter for a 15L tank off ebay. hopefully i could keep her in there if she can wait a week or so.

depends on urself ppl like the natural way let them just swim around the tank and hope for the best i personally do this as it keeps the numbers down and as i said 2 me its wot nature intended


yeh temperary that tank should be fine but it will need cycling first which really would take a little while longer unless u have it already cycled
oh yeah, also:

if she is pregnant will she be ok in a plastic tub with holes in floating at the top or will i need a proper trap


ive just ordered a heater and filter for a 15L tank off ebay. hopefully i could keep her in there if she can wait a week or so.

depends on urself ppl like the natural way let them just swim around the tank and hope for the best i personally do this as it keeps the numbers down and as i said 2 me its wot nature intended


yeh temperary that tank should be fine but it will need cycling first which really would take a little while longer unless u have it already cycled

My male endler/guppy is hassling her so she may abort - i think its best shes isolated. how far gone do you think she is? i really dont want her in a tub for too long.

yes i will need to cycle the tank unfortunately :(
how far she's gone? ur guess would be as good as any 1's but by second photo pretty far i'd say but u cant really tell :)

sorry for the lack of help lol maybe some 1 else would have idea how far :)
If your guppy is harassing her, its either a guppy or a hybrid. Straight endlers are prolific but the males are not especially pushy about it. That female may easily be as much as 2 weeks away but its hard to tell from the pictures. She could be closer but doesn't look squared off yet.
If your guppy is harassing her, its either a guppy or a hybrid. Straight endlers are prolific but the males are not especially pushy about it. That female may easily be as much as 2 weeks away but its hard to tell from the pictures. She could be closer but doesn't look squared off yet.

what do you mean squared off?
The abdomen of most livebearers looks sort of squarish when they are close to delivering if they are carrying many young. Sometimes a very small drop won't show that shape but think of a square with rounded off corners and that is how they look the last couple of days. Another way to think of it is the shape of one of the round cornered dice you sometimes see in a kids board game.
ok do you suggest i isolate her yet? because she was like this when i got her i dont know how far she is..
If all you have is a plastic tub with holes in it, don't bother. The idea of a breeding trap is that it allows tank water to circulate while keeping the female isolated. A tub with holes would do this just fine. However it's no use because it won't save the fry. They will either fall through the holes into the tank and get eaten by the other fish, or they will be unable to escape from the mother (if the holes are too small) and will be eaten by her. Your best option is probably to use the 15, cycled or otherwise, and change a lot of the water every day. Add some gravel and some ambulia/cabomba/hornwort or similar in a pot to give the fry somewhere to hide.
yes and no just make sure that the levels are as low as possible yes it should be cycled first but if u have no alternative then theres not much more u can do try putting the media and water in out of ur main tank this will help speed cycling along but really still not ideal.

alternatively just put her in a breeding trap when u think she may drop and raise the young in that untill they are a little bigger

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