New baby Fronts!!


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
I got two more little babies today :wub: .They're so cute and nobody gave them a hard time except the other teeny tinies :rolleyes: Guess they were picking on somebody their own size :lol:

Here's one of the new babies to the far right with a few others, he/she was so cute bowing up to the even though he's a 6th of the size :lol:


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A bunch together, they love to crowd around each other


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3/4 of the tank, I can't get a good shot of the whole thing :X


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crazy slanted shot,but the fronts look so pretty :wub:


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Some of the babies with a male and female s.fryeri


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One of the medium fronts (not medium by full grown standards, just by size here ;) ) (s)he's about 3"


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Last but not least, the king (or possibly queen) of the tank :wub:


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:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: MORE!!! I am so proud of you wuv!!! How many now? I think 9, but I am not sure :huh:

They are so adorable when they are smaller....mine are starting to fight alot....hmph, still have not decided what I should do, it seems only the kigoma are the ones fighting and the burundi are spawning babies yet :angry:

I might decide to go with only 6 bars soon, kinda scary though, cuz I would lose 7 fronts....AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!! :wub: :wub:

BTW, the king or queen of the tank is beautiful....ha ha I can't tell either!!! lol :lol: :lol: (tis hard to sex a front) :/

:edit: mmmmmmm bettas and fronts :wub: :wub: :wub:
Tanx Chris :*) I pretty much posted the pics for you because nobody else appreciates the frontosa around here :rofl:

It's 10 now. I did tons of reading on fronts last night. I found the most interesting article about a mans dive into lake Tanganyika, it was amazing and it made me want to go. There's a freshwater jellyfish in the lake :huh: wicked huh? Anyway he dove down to the point where he could find fronts and he saw a colony of tens of thousands :wub: :wub: :wub:

Anyway...I'm reaching the point :whistle: ,they say to get 12-14 all from different broods and as each one shows signs of being a male, get rid of them :-( so that you end up with at least 6 females and possibly 2 to 3 males at the most. I don't know if I can do it. Supposedly they're easy to spawn if they grow up together from an inch or so,they begin spawning at 4 or five years, 3 or 4"

I found another article of a 6,500 gallon pond this dude built for his fronts *drool* :hyper: I WANT!!!!

What's the deal with the 7 bar? I have a few 7's,the most recent that I purchased actually. The chick at the lfs sneered and said "ewww,you don't want those ,they're 7 bars" but I got them anyway :p
Speaking of a huge pond for cichlids....think of this.....

That many gallons (6500) in the back yard, covered like a greenhouse (to prevent pesky pterodactyls fron stealing Frontosa.....and a glass wall in the basement!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: I WANT! for the male thing, I have heard the same thing and it scares me...because I think pretty much all of my 7 bars are males :-(

oh well. thems the breaks, right? :lol:
freshmike said:
Speaking of a huge pond for cichlids....think of this.....

That many gallons (6500) in the back yard, covered like a greenhouse (to prevent pesky pterodactyls fron stealing Frontosa.....and a glass wall in the basement!!! :hyper:  :hyper:  :hyper:  :hyper:  :hyper:  I WANT!
OoOoOoOH!!!! I WANT!!!!

With a bridge over the center, it would have to be deep. ooooh, before filling it you can go down with some cement and rocks and build all sorts of rockwork and caves :hyper: sand on the bottom, make a mini replica ...**~*~a mini replica...a mini replica...a mini replica*~*~

*goes off into a daydream*

The dude who went scuba diving said now that he's seen fronts in their natural habitat,in all their majesticness...IHO no tank will ever be sufficient enough to house them ...
Wuv,your cichlids are booteefull! :wub:

I wish I had the room to start the 55 up with some cichlids...But then my snakes would be homeless. :lol:

Maybe someday.... :)
i like the 6 bar frontosa... they have one for sale here for $130 CDN



nice lil guys too
Hey someone told me in Africa they sell Frontosas as food like we eat walleye and bass and stuff. Thats what they have. I couldn't imagine going to a resteraunt and seeing my pet as dinner, but I geuss. -_-

What do you guys think. You have frontosas

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