Tanx Chris
) I pretty much posted the pics for you because nobody else appreciates the frontosa around here
It's 10 now. I did tons of reading on fronts last night. I found the most interesting article about a mans dive into lake Tanganyika, it was amazing and it made me want to go. There's a freshwater jellyfish in the lake
wicked huh? Anyway he dove down to the point where he could find fronts and he saw a colony of tens of thousands
Anyway...I'm reaching the point
,they say to get 12-14 all from different broods and as each one shows signs of being a male, get rid of them
so that you end up with at least 6 females and possibly 2 to 3 males at the most. I don't know if I can do it. Supposedly they're easy to spawn if they grow up together from an inch or so,they begin spawning at 4 or five years, 3 or 4"
I found another article of a 6,500 gallon pond this dude built for his fronts *drool*
I WANT!!!!
What's the deal with the 7 bar? I have a few 7's,the most recent that I purchased actually. The chick at the lfs sneered and said "ewww,you don't want those ,they're 7 bars" but I got them anyway