Is My Platty Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2008
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im pretty it is
but i need to know for sure :)
here's some piccy's.
oo and i have noticed she has gotten clearer. like you can see her bones :S
is that good?
these were taken on the 9th may 08.

my guppy died and i dont think it was pregnant.
but today i bought 5 new female guppies.
and the gravid spot doesnt mean their pregnant becase all of the females there had one. except a few :)
s i have 3 males ad 5 females.
roughly around the amount your supposed to have :)


  • Pregnant_platty.jpg
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Nice pictures Jenna, it can be hard to get a clear one. If either one is pregnant, it is not very far along or the fish are very young. Very young livebearers will have small drops of fry so its possible for them each to be carrying just a few young but its more likely that it will be weeks before either one will have fry.
Both are looking good and healthy, as for giving birth the platy look like she will, the do swell much larger than that on occasions.
However the guppy dose not look very far gone if she is.

Your lurn how fat the do get very soon i suspect ;)
oh ok :)
i just want to put them in the breeding trap later on in the pregnancy
because i want to save the fry.
since that platy is clear, you would be able to see tiny black dots near her gravid spot. if none are showing then she is either not ready or not pregnant. please read the pregnancy topics and other member posts :D
The guppy does not look pregnant, the platy looks pretty far on
The platy is too fat, how much are you feeding her? She is pregnant as well, about a week to go, maybe less by my guess. The guppy does not look pregnant at all, she's probably a week or two in. I know you have males in the tank, so she's probably pregnant :)

Omega I've had platies that colour or lighter (one calico that was solid white on the flanks) show no gravid spot at all, swell up like balloons and drop heaps of fry. It's really not a reliable indicator with platies in my experience.
oooo ,
yeah. There is black spots where the gravid spot is ment to be.
so you think about a week to go with the platty?
i really hope so :)
and what about the guppy?
she has a black gravid spot.
and one thing i have noticed with both of them.
in their tail areas... they have both gotten clearer so you can like see through them. see their tail bones. is that a good sign?
i hope so.
i need to know something.
right now.. i have the Maybe pregnant guppy and the pregnant platty in a tank together.
one of them....a bit over a ruler width length ones.
i also have a breeding trap too.
i want to save the fry.
so when should i put the platty into the breeding trap and how long can i leave her in there for?

oh. and i just feed the platty just as much as all the other fish.
like.. altogether i feed all the fish a pinch a day between them
when do you think i should put her in the breeding trap ?
Personally I don't like breeding traps, at all. Just yesterday I came to find my best female thrashing around in the trap with her fins torn and the whole brood lying dead on the bottom. I misjudged the time to move her and she aborted. I lost a whole month's worth of fry.

The best thing to do is to get a big bucket. Something that's in green, grey or white is best, I find that red, blue or yellow scares the fish a bit. Drop an air driven filter into the bucket and put some cycled filter media in it. Pour some coarse pea gravel into a plastic container and place that in the bucket. Add some fine plastic plants. Cover the bucket. Wait for her to give birth. Collect the fry. A bucket is large enough to minimise stress.
Personally I don't like breeding traps, at all. Just yesterday I came to find my best female thrashing around in the trap with her fins torn and the whole brood lying dead on the bottom. I misjudged the time to move her and she aborted. I lost a whole month's worth of fry.

The best thing to do is to get a big bucket. Something that's in green, grey or white is best, I find that red, blue or yellow scares the fish a bit. Drop an air driven filter into the bucket and put some cycled filter media in it. Pour some coarse pea gravel into a plastic container and place that in the bucket. Add some fine plastic plants. Cover the bucket. Wait for her to give birth. Collect the fry. A bucket is large enough to minimise stress.

Thats just very unfortunate.

Traps aint as bad as that, they are only bad when impatiant and inexperienced breeders use them becasue its not a case of judging the correct time, its a case of waiting for them to naturally drop a couple of times in the tank and writing down dates, watching thier behaviour etc.

When there is a pattern in thier drops, you know roughly when to put them in the trap, alos most people put them in traps and thats it, yet its vital to turn lights off and cover the tank to minimize stress..

The female cannot be harrased whilst in the trap so thats a good thing, when they are ready to drop (if put in right time) they will not swim about thrashing everywhere, they will be almost static until they start to drop and then they will do a up and down swimming motion whilst dropping (this is how they push it helps them).

My advice is, if your going to breed them, get another tank 10-15G and that will save using traps, also start learning more about thier behaviour, breeding patterns etc.

Good luck

oohk thanks.
i have another tank especially for the abby fry.
but my only worry is while im at school or asleep she will give birth and eat all of her fry.
but also what do i do when i have my new guppies pregnant at the same time too !?
im starting to worry.
what do i do?
hmm honestly.
i really don't think she is pregnant because she has been like that for a while..
can she die from being in a tank by herself?
No harm in her being alone in a tank. Platies are not people so don't wither away if they are alone. It is helpful to have something for her to do such as explore a planting or some decoration or such.

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