Fish Crazy
Hi Was looking at one of my gobies last nite and noticed he had some weird growth on his top fin and a bit on his tail.. What is it and what shall i get to treat it??
Sorry pics not very good..
I did a water change last nite and water test all was good. My SG is at 1.0006
They are brown the growths.
What could they be? He is still eating and swimming around as normal.. I put in some primaflex as it looks a bit fungal and thought that would be better than nothing.
Sorry pics not very good..
I did a water change last nite and water test all was good. My SG is at 1.0006
They are brown the growths.
What could they be? He is still eating and swimming around as normal.. I put in some primaflex as it looks a bit fungal and thought that would be better than nothing.