My Puffer!


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
Gt Dunmow, Essex
Have you got a photo of both of yours together as you said they were very different in size.

He's a cutey :)
Sorry for the quality.....

This is the baby one eating river shrimp.
This is baby copying the older one. How cute!!!
This is the new on going off on his own... Not for long...

Another one of them together..
there is quite a size difference, but not enough to be dangerous. they are very sweet. :)
When I was scrolling through the pictures, I had to do a double take when I saw the mushroom looking thing. :lol:

Nice puffers! :good:
When I was scrolling through the pictures, I had to do a double take when I saw the mushroom looking thing. :lol:

Nice puffers! :good:

I know its weird. The puffers love it tho, always swimming through it and i looks good when the water flow hits it lightly, creates a bit of movement as only got 2 fish in there. oly bad thing is it seems to look dirty quickly, have to take it out and clean once - twice a week.
Thanks for the compiment on my puffers...
I love them. They have such great characters, Always begging...
That's not begging, cant you see they are starving to death :p you obviously dont feed them enough. everyone knows they need feeding 30-40 times a day :)
I love them. They have such great characters, Always begging...
That's not begging, cant you see they are starving to death :p you obviously dont feed them enough. everyone knows they need feeding 30-40 times a day :)
When i fist got them i fed them 3 times a day in small amounts as the big one was very skinny. i have had him 6 weeks not and cut it down to twice a day. it really doesnt take long for them to turn in to little fatties. ha ha ha

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