Thanks Shrimper yeah the shrimpies love moss.
Thanks TylerF, sorry for the answer delay, the forum was down, no I dont use any ferts, but it is very low light one watt per gallon, there is some hair algae since turning off the Co2 but not much and the shrimp keep it in check.
For shrimp fans a cherry a few days old when they are born the tail has what look like little hairs on the end of it they loose them after a few days maybe after they molt. Its very macro, the shrimp
is on willow moss.
Thanks TylerF, sorry for the answer delay, the forum was down, no I dont use any ferts, but it is very low light one watt per gallon, there is some hair algae since turning off the Co2 but not much and the shrimp keep it in check.
For shrimp fans a cherry a few days old when they are born the tail has what look like little hairs on the end of it they loose them after a few days maybe after they molt. Its very macro, the shrimp
is on willow moss.